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A Study of User-Centered Design on the Usability of Office Chairs

Advisor : 黃啟梧


許多人的精華歲月都在辦公椅上渡過,因為辦公椅使用不當易造成身體傷害及工作效率不彰。所以設計者對辦公椅研發出許多調整功能,讓使用者在不同情境下使用,而實際使用情況如何?因此激發研究者探討辦公椅的使用性問題,以了解使用者所面臨的辦公椅「操作」問題與使用者的心智模式,經由對六位使用者初步觀察、訪談與研究者相關文獻探討,再以問卷調查四十一位使用者,兩家辦公家具公司的辦公椅產品調查,最後邀請八位受測者做使用性測試與訪談及三位設計者、四位採購者、兩家機構廠商做個別訪談,並將所完成紀錄與報告,彙整討論做成研究發現與結論。 使用者在使用性上的需求總是被忽略。大部份台灣辦公椅產業以「組合式」設計與生產產品。且一般企業在先裝修門面,後照顧員工的思考模式,與缺乏辦公椅評量資訊造成採購者的困擾下,使用者只好在此情況「坐」下去,形成小背枕、涼竹墊等自救行為。而對於設計者而言,既要滿足使用者各方面需求又被預算等多方限制下,從事設計工作真是不容易。 以Norman的心智模式為主,將黃啟梧的使用者研究方法及本研究採購者心智模式加入,研擬出使用辦公椅的心智模式,並依此模式透過使用者研究來建立辦公椅評估資訊,供採購者參考與設計者了解使用者、改善產品的依據,讓使用者能容易地使用辦公椅所提供的功能,獲得最佳的保護與愉悅的工作。

Parallel abstracts

Nowadays, many people have to sit on office chair for a long time in their office hours. Because of inappropriate using of office chairs, they often got injuries and became inefficient in work. Although many designers created some devises for adjusting office chairs to fit users in different situations, these problems still existed. That spurs the researcher to explore the usability of office chairs. In order to understand the problems of operation which users faced and the mental models of using office chair, the researcher studied related documents, observed and interviewed 6 users, and questionnaired 41 users and 2 office furniture companies. Besides, the researcher invited 8 users to take the usability test of 2 types of office chairs and recorded how they use and what they think about the chairs. Based on the feedback of the test, the researcher discussed individually with 3 designers, 4 purchasers, and 2 mechanism firms. After that, the researcher synthesized all these researches and records to get findings and conclusions. User’s needs in usability are always ignored. In Taiwan, many office chair producers make their products in assembley way. Besides, most management would rather pay more budgets on the decoration of their offices than purchasing better office chairs for their employees. Even though they want to do so, they do not have proper information for reference. Therefore, users can only accept this condition. They sit on whatever they can sit, suffer the pain of shoulder and waist, and keep on being unaware of the functions of their office chairs. Consequently, users prepare cushions and mats to help themselves. However, it is not easy for an idealistic designer to satisfy every requirement in many limits. Based on the mental models promoted by Norman and joined with Dr. Huang’s researches about users and purchaser’s models, the researcher drew up the user’s models of office chairs. According to the models, the researcher made a study of users then established a standard for purchasers to evaluate the office chairs they are purchasing, for designers to understand what users need and improve their products, and for users to figure out easily the functions of their office chairs so that they can get proper protection and work joyfully.


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