  • 學位論文


Research and Development of Mechanisms for Adjustable office Chairs

指導教授 : 陳政順


可調式辦公座椅可依據使用者身高、體型,進行座椅功能部位的位置與角度調整,以增加舒適度與提高工作效率。本研究之主要目的為設計一可調式辦公座椅之調整機構,經由座椅專利機構、人體工學建議尺寸、市售產品等相關的文獻蒐集,將座椅依功能進行分類,依序為基本型、進階型、豪華型與特殊用途型。 本研究的方法是透過品質機能展開(Quality Function Deployment),了解可調式辦公座椅產品與顧客需求之間的關係,並與市售之產品比較,訂出可調整座椅各部位之調整範圍。由於可調式辦公座椅功能部位眾多,因此本研究利用層級分析法(Analytic Hierarchy Process),從各因素評估並找出最適合於本研究設計需求之座椅各部位機構,最後使用電腦輔助設計軟體,進行各部位零件模型之建立及機構零件於作用力下的應力分析。 本研究所設計之可調式座椅,滿足下列功能:適合身高範圍140 ~ 190 cm之使用者、椅面可以調整高度14 cm、前後深度各4 cm、椅背可傾斜角度30度,腰靠可以向前水平調整5 cm。


The adjustable chairs according to the height and size, the user can adjust the position to make them comfortable and to improve working efficiency. The purpose of this research is to develop an adjustable chair. This research collected all literatures about adjustable chairs. The collected literatures including papers and patents were analyzed and classified according to their functional purpose, position of adjustable mechanisms, and time of publication. Adjustable chairs can be classified into four types, namely, basic type, advanced type, luxurious type, and particular-purpose type. Based on the customer requirements, we also use quality function deployment for adjustable chairs. And each position of adjustable mechanisms was finally chosen for concept development by using the analytic hierarchy Process. Then, computer aided design technique was used to design the parts. In addition, stress analysis of the parts for ensuring the quality of the design. The adjustable office chair designed is fitted for the people 140 to 190 cm height, the chair also has the adjustable seat for forward, backward 4 cm, and upward 14 cm adjustment , and also the mechanisms for backrest inclining adjustment up to 30 degrees.


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