臺灣地理位置特殊,擁有豐富自然生態。近年因氣候變遷,人口增加、不斷開發等因素,島嶼上生態多樣性日漸消失;石虎是臺灣低海拔野生動物的指標物種。在1940年代,當時日本學者鹿野忠雄曾指出,石虎在臺灣1500公尺以下低海拔普遍分布,但近20年來調查結果顯示,石虎分布範圍有減少趨勢。 因此本研究使用條件評估法之支付卡法評估居民之願付價格,得到在生態旅遊中願意支付858元(人/次),成立石虎保育森林願意捐款1221.0元(人/年)。受訪者在購買生態友善農產品方面之願付價格,友善石虎米願意購買價格186.0(元/公斤),年度購買金額約3040(元/年/人);友善石虎文旦願意購買價格90.18(元/公斤),年度購約金額595.6(元/年/人);友善石虎柑橘願意購買價格73.79(元/公斤),年度購約金額585(元/年/人);友善石虎火龍果願意購買價格109.7(元/公斤),年度購約金額881.6(元/年/人);友善石虎蛋願意購買價格301.5(元/公斤),年度購約金額2986.0(元/年/人)。友善石虎之友善農產品,依複回歸模型分析得到受訪者願意對目前之友善石虎農產品再多付擔百分之23之價格購買;成立石虎保育森林願意捐款1221.0元(人/年)以及臺灣2017年6月內政部統計18歲以上成年人口,得到成立石虎森林之保育石虎及里山生態系的野生動植物總效益為23829227610元。 本研究使用結構方程式,探討生態保育知識與生態保育態度之間是否有顯著影響,利用結構方程之構面得之,生態保育知識與生態保育態度的確有相關聯性,而生態保育知識與生態保育態度顯著相關亦影響生態保育之價值。
Taiwan has rich natural ecology due to have special location of geography. In recent years, climate change, population increasing, continuous development and other factors are directly influence of biodiversity in this island. Leopard cat is an indicator of low altitude wildlife in Taiwan. In the 1940s, when Kano Tadao of Japanese scholar was pointed out, Leopard cat was widely distributed in the low altitude of 1500 meters in Taiwan. However, the survey results show significant decreasing trends that distribution of Leopard cat from past 20 years. Therefore, this study use the contingent valuation method of the payment card method to assess the residents willing to pay. The general company and the students of seventh year of their parents to get in the eco-tourism is willingness to pay NTD 858 (Person / times) and the establishment of Shihu conservation forest is willingness to donate NTD 1221.0 (Person / year). As for the purchase of eco-friendly agricultural products, the price of leopard cat rice is 186.0 (NTD/KG) and the annual amount is around NTD 3040 (year /Person). The leopard cat Wen Dan is 90.18 (NTD/KG) and the annual amount is around NTD 595.6 (year /Person). The leopard cat tangerine is 73.79 (NTD/KG) and the annual amount is around NTD 585 (year /Person). The leopard cat Dragon fruit is 109.7 (NTD/KG) and the annual amount is around NTD 881.6 (year /Person). The leopard cat eggs is 301.5 (NTD/KG) and the annual amount is around NTD 2986.0 (year /Person). Friendly leopard cat agricultural products, according to the multiple regression analysis of the respondents are willing to pay for the current friendly leopard cat agricultural products to pay 23% of the price to buy; the establishment of conservation leopard cat forest is willing to donate NTD 1221.0 ( Person / year) and Taiwan June 2017 Ministry of the Interior statistics over 18 years of age adult population, get the establishment of leopard cat forest conservation leopard cat and satoyama ecosystem of the total benefits of wild animals and plants NTD 23829227610.