  • 學位論文


A Study on the Relationships between Recreational Facilities Satisfaction and Tourists’ Post-purchase Behavior of Wei Chuan Pushin Ranch

指導教授 : 李晶


隨著經濟快速的成長,生活品質的提昇,休閒人口大幅增加,自2001年元月起政府全面實施週休二日,也因此相對地增加休閒機會。1957年味全食品(股)公司在政府鼓勵之下,設立全台第一座民營乳牛畜牧場「味全埔心牧場」,開始味全公司的乳業發展。1983年味全埔心牧場響應國內觀光休閒之趨勢,在地方政府之輔導下,轉型為以乳牛生態產業為主題、結合渡假休閒及親子遊憩等活動之觀光牧場。本研究期能深入瞭解現今遊客對味全埔心牧場遊憩設施滿意度及遊客購後行為反應,以此作為味全埔心牧場未來營運策略之擬定,並提供相關產業參考。 本研究利用「味全埔心牧場遊客滿意度調查問卷」對進入味全埔心牧場旅遊之遊客進行訪問後,經分析後結果如下: 一、遊客人口統計變項分析結果顯示:以女性遊客居多;已婚且有小孩,年齡介於30~39歲間;教育程度為大專以上為主;居住地區大多為北部;個人收入在3萬~5萬元間。此結果與味全埔心牧場設定經營的目標客群相似。 二、設施滿意度方面:平均得分3.65分介於「普通」與「滿意」之間,味全埔心牧場應該在主題氛圍呈現予以加強。 三、遊客購後行為方面:平均得分3.38分介於「普通」與「滿意」之間,「付出更多」與「轉移行為」兩構面得分最低,顯示遊客無法容忍門票價格的上漲及有新的旅遊地點選擇時,遊客會傾向前往新的旅遊地點。 四、本研究研究假設檢定結果:發現「不同人口統計變項之遊客在遊憩設施滿意度存在顯著差異」、「不同人口統計變項之遊客在遊客購後行為存在顯著差異」、「遊憩設施滿意度與遊客購後行為存在顯著差異」以及「遊憩設施滿意度與遊客購後行為存在顯著相關」。 本研究調查結果顯示,味全埔心牧場在遊憩設施滿意度部份,遊客對遊憩設施滿意度在「室內設施」、「戶外遊樂設施」、「畜舍設施」這三項滿意度明顯偏低,其設施的設置應該加以檢討。另外,遊客購後行為部分,味全埔心牧場應該要發展牧場特色文化,創造差異性才能有更多的利基點來留住顧客。如此才能有效的改善遊客設施滿意度及提昇顧客的購後忠誠度。


Among with economical fast growth and life qualities improved which lead to a large increase in the number of leisure population. In 2001, the government stated the policy ‘Two Day-off per week’ that increases the leisure opportunities. Wei Chuan Foods Corporation set up the first privately cow ranch, Wei Chuan Pushin Ranch, and started to develop husbandry of milk.Wei Chuan Pushin Ranch became a business of providing accommodation and services for tourists.This study, applied the questionnaire, Wei Chuan Pushin Ranch Recreational Facilities satisfaction and Tourists’ Post-purchase Behavioral Questionnaire, to investigate the tourists who had visted during May 1st to May 8th in 2006. After analysis of the data that we collected, the major results were summarized as follows: 1.The tourists’ population descriptive statistical analysis found that the tourists who come to Wei Chuan Pushin Ranch mostly is female, married and have children, college degree, live in north area in Taiwan, personal income about $NT 30,000-50,000 per month. 2.The mean score of totally recreational facilities satisfaction is 3.65. Wei Chuan Pushin Ranch should enforce at Ranch atmosphere built. The recreational facilities not only the hardware improvement, we should focus in emphasize the internal software performance. 3.The mean score of tourists’ post-purchase behavior is 3.38. The two factors of post purchase behavior, “Pay more” & “Transfer”, get the lower score shows that tourists could not endure Wei Chuan Pushin Ranch raising ticket price and tourists toward to new traveling locations. 4.The hypothesis testing results were showed as follows: A.There were significant differences between the variables of tourists’ population statistics and the satisfaction of recreational facilities. B.There were significant differences between the variables of tourists’ population statistics and the tourists’ post-purchase behavior. C.There were significant differences between the satisfaction of recreational facilities and the tourists’ post-purchase behavior. D.There were significant correlation between the satisfaction of recreational facilities and the tourists’ post-purchase behavior. This research result showed that ‘Indoors Facility’, ‘Outdoors Amusement Facility’ and ‘Animal Shed Facility’, these three major facilities of satisfaction obvious is low, its facility establishment should perform to examine. Moreover, in Tourist’s Post-purchase Behavior, we found that how to create an niche marketing strategy to keep the customers. After so Wei Chuan Pushin Ranch can effective improve tourist facility degree of satisfaction and promote the customer loyalty.


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