  • 學位論文


SCADA System for the Application of Aquaculture

指導教授 : 葉進純


本論文主旨在設計一個應用於淡水養殖之多功能遠端資料採集與監控系統SCADA(Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition)。可提供養殖業者即便離開現場亦能隨時監控養殖池之便利功能。 本論文系統是以PLC結合LabVIEW建構一套簡易的人機介面,並具備登錄介面、PLC裝置監控表、Lab SQL、錄影及觀看現場影像之功能,確實降低現今市面上結合監視器之SCADA系統的高成本開銷。 本論文的水溫及溶氧值是一般淡水養殖最需注重之養殖指標。於人機介面中建構結合此兩項指標之量測介面,除了可即時觀測溫度外,還可透過系統自動計算一日的溫度平均值並顯示一日之溫度曲線圖。另外,系統結合了E-mail的功能,當指標數值異常時便即時寄發警告郵件,讓業者能即時察覺並至現場排除問題。


The major object of this thesis is designing a Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition for freshwater aquaculture. It provides aquaculture industry with the convenience to monitor the pond whenever the industry left. This thesis is based on PLC and LabVIEW to construct a simple Human Machine Interface which provides the function including login interface, PLC monitor table, Lab SQL, record and replay the film. It is reliable to lower the commercially SCADA system’s cost. In this thesis, monitoring the water temperature and the dissolving oxygen values are both the most important part of freshwater aquaculture. In the Human Machine Interface, a interface will be constructed to include these two indicators measuring values. In addition to immediate observing the temperature values, it also through the system automatically calculates and displays the average temperature value and curve a day. In addition, the system also combines the function of E-mail. When the object value is irregular, the system will send an alarm message immediately. Make the aquaculture industry be well aware of the problem and solve the problem immediately.


HMI SCADA PLC LabVIEW Feshwater Aquaculture


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