  • 學位論文


Role of Leisure Experience in 2013 Yunlin Agri-Expo

指導教授 : 林俊男
共同指導教授 : 黃士哲


2013雲林農業博覽會,是雲林縣第一次舉辦的大型博覽會活動;其展期為期約2個半個月的時間。近年以農業為重的雲林地區,因長年的農業、漁業超抽地下水,地層開始明顯下陷;生態及農、漁業受到威脅,政府開始正視此問題,宣導如何防治地層下陷、保持永續的農業發展。後現代農業的概念中也提倡,農業不是為了資本累積而運作,而僅是人類與環境互助的原則下,所衍生的永續產業。研究時間為農博展期內,以雲林農博主展場為研究調查區域,帶入段義孚學者的經驗透視理論,繪出主展場中各展館的休閒體驗檢證矩陣,試圖釐清農博展館的休閒體驗在農博中扮演何種角色、探究遊客與主辦者之符應關係,且使用時空路徑分析遊客動線與休閒體驗的參與程度。 展期內農博沒有積極的推廣雲林縣內百大景點,在展的兩個半月期間主要還是聚焦於農博主展場方面,讓民眾只能透過農博了解雲林縣農業的近況,卻無法深入的探究或理解在地的宗教特色或人文地景。園區內平日與假日提供給民眾的休閒體驗也有所差異,受訪者休閒體驗感受多為平日遊客所提供,而假日遊客對各展館的休閒體驗程度相較不高。在展館的配置與動線規劃上,外圍展區雖然離遊客停車場較近,但遊客須至入口購票後才能入場而選擇直接由入口進入場內,進而忽略場外的展館與設施,在動線的規劃上本應疏散人群卻無發揮應有效果。 研究認為農博應強調教育,而休閒體驗可作為陪襯腳色,媒體方面應在展期前加強官方廣告資訊的曝光率,以便讓民眾清楚了解其理念與未來方向;在農博後續也應持續雲林縣內百大景點的宣傳,才得以讓雲林農業及休閒農業永續發展。另外六輕工業污染的問題政府應盡早面對,或許解決根本,才能對雲林縣永續環境及縣民的健康問題等願景有實質的幫助。


In 2013, Yunlin County government held Agri-Expo Yunlin, a two-and-a-half-month event, which is the biggest expo of all time in Yunlin County. In recent years, lands have obviously subsided due to groundwater overdraft to increase water supply to the agricultural and fishing industries in Yunlin county since it mainly depends on agriculture for the livehood; as a result, the ecosystem, the agriculture, and the fishing industry have been threatened; thus, the government begins to face up to the issue and then promotes how to prevent land subsidence and how to keep sustainable agriculture. The concept of post modern agriculture is also promoted, which means it is not for accumulating capital but sustaining the industry by human beings and environment with respect to each other. The researcher took the duration of Agri-Expo Yunlin as the study period, and took the main pavilion as the study field; then, adopted Tuan’s theory, perspective of experience, as the framework to depict the matrix of leisure experience to figure out the role that leisure experience plays in the place, and to discuss the correspondence theory between visitors and agents; finally, utilized time-space path to analyze the traffic flow and levels of participation of leisure experience. During the expo, Yunlin County government didn’t promote its famous attractive sites actively, but only focused on displaying the current status of agricultural development in the main pavilion. Therefore, visitors can only learn its development of agriculture but not its local religious features or scenic views deeply. Activities for visitors’ leisure experience offered by agents on weekdays and weekend are also different. The collected data about perceived leisure experience are mostly from the visitors during weekdays since those during weekends are not so interested in participating activities. Besides, the arrangements of the allocation and traffic flow should guide the evacuation of on-site masses but they did not work because visitors had to purchase tickets at the main pavilion to join the event and they preferred to get to the main entry directly and ignored the outer pavilion’s exhibitions and facilities although the outer pavilion is close to the parking lot. Agri-Expo should emphasis on education, and leisure experience is as a perfect foil, so the local government should promote its philosophy and visions by mass media before the expo started, and should also promote its famous attractive sites to support the sustainable agriculture and agritourism during the expo. In addition, it should take action to deal with pollution problems in sixth naphtha cracker and this would be the only way to solve health problems and to lead to environmental sustainability for the local residents.


