  • 期刊


Study on the Weight, Height, Chest Girth and Head Girth of Primary School Children in a Suburban Town of Taipei



筆者等於中華民國59年10月至60年6月間對在臺北市近郊新莊鎮內四所國民小學即新莊國小,國泰國小,頭前國小及民安國小就學之男學生約四千餘名及女學生三千五百餘名作體重,身高,頭圍及胸圍之調查,學生皆根據性別,年齡分組,一歲一組,最大者為12-13歲組,最小者為6-7歲組。 檢查結果如下:男生體重之平均6-7歲組爲18.88±2.28公斤,7-8歲爲20.22±2.54公斤,8-9歲爲22.6±3.04公斤,9-10歲爲24.95±3.88公斤,10-11歲爲27.04±3.72公斤,11-12歲爲29.46±4.17公斤,12-13歲爲公30.25±4.54斤。女生體重之平均6-7歲組爲18.11±2.04公斤,7-8歲爲19.6±4.08公斤,8-9歲爲21.82±3.92公斤,9-10歲爲23.83±4.08公斤,10-11歲爲27.1±4.88公斤,11-12歲爲29.68±5.68公斤,12-13歲爲32.37±6.03公斤。 男生身高之平均6-7歲組爲113.6±5.00公分,7-8歲爲118.09±3.46公分,8-9歲爲122.31±5.94公分,9-10歲爲126.65±3.74公分,10-11歲爲131.38±5.60公分,11-12歲爲136.5±6.24公分,12-13歲爲137.80±6.66公斤。女生身高之平均6-7歲組爲112.53±4.41公分,7-8歲爲116.72±5.58公分,8-9歲爲121.82±6.02公分,9-10歲爲126.3±6.36公分,10-11歲爲132.55±6.63公分,11-12歲爲137.15±6.91公分12-13歲爲141.51±6.70公分。 男生胸圍之平均6-7歲組爲55.7±2.69公分,7-8歲爲56.7±2.84公分,8-9歲爲59.37±3.60公分,9-10歲爲61.28±4.10公分,10-11歲爲62.68±3.80公分,11-12歲爲64±5.40公分,12-13歲爲64.5±3.76公分。女生胸圍之平均6-7歲組爲54.3±2.33公分,7-8歲爲55.1±2.81公分,8-9歲爲57.5±3.58公分,9-10歲爲55.91±3.63公分,10-11歲爲61.14±4.79公分,11-12歲爲64±4.99公分,12-13歲爲66.10±5.42公分。 男生頭圍之平均6-7歲組爲50.5±1.20公分,7-8歲爲50.61±1.50公分,8-9歲爲50.95±2.15公分,9-10歲爲51.27±1.94公分,10-11歲爲51.74±1.69公分,11-12歲爲51.5±2.02公分,12-13歲爲51.80±1.88公分。女生頭圍之平均6-7歲組爲49.70±1.21公分,7-8歲為49.76±1.38公分,8-9歲爲50.11±1.49公分,9-10歲爲50.52±1.74公分,10-11歲爲51.13±2.01公分,11-12歲爲51.59±1.88公分,12-13歲為52.10±1.50公分。 於6-7歲時,男生體重,身高及胸圍之平均皆大於女生者,但自10-11歲起至本報告最高齡組12-13歲組,女生之平均體重,身高及胸圍反稍大於男生,男生平均頭圍直至11-12歲在各年齡組皆比女生者稍大。 位於鎮內校中心處之新莊、國泰二校和較偏處之頭前、民安上校相比時,前者男女生之體重及男生身高雖大部比後者稍高,但此差別在統計學上之意義並不顯著。前者女生體高比後者亦大部較高,但此差別在統計學上有較顯著之意義。




From October 1970 to June 1971, the authors carried out a study on the weight, height, chest girth and head girth of more than 4,000 male and 3,500 female children of 4 primary schools: Shin Chuang, Kuo Tai, Tow Chien, and Ming An primary schools located in Shin Chuang, a suburban town of Taipei City. The Children were grouped according to their sex and age, The oldest group is 12-13 years and the youngest group 6-7 years. The mean weights of the male children of each age group were: 6-7 years 18.88±2.28 kg, 7-8 years 20.22±2.54 kg, 8-9 years 22.6±3.04kg, 9-10 years 24.95±3.88kg, 10-11 years 27.04±3.72 kg, 11-12 years 29.46±4.17 kg, 12-13 years 30.25±4.54 kg. The mean weights of the female children of each age group were: 6-7 years 18.11±2.04 kg, 7-8 years 19.6±4.08 kg, 8-9 years 21.82±3.92 kg, 9-10 years 23.83±4.08 kg, 10-11 years 27.1±4.88 kg, 11-12 years 29.68±5.68kg, 12-13 years 32.37±6.03 kg. The mean heights of th male children of each age group were: 6-7 years 113.6±5.00cm, 7-8 years 118.09±3.46cm, 8-9 years 122.31±5.94 cm, 9-10 years 126.65±3.74 cm, 10-11 years 131.38±5.60 cm, 11-12 years 136.5±6.24 cm, 12-13 years 137.80±6.66 cm. The mean heights of the female children of each age group were: 6-7 years 112.53±4.41 cm, 7-8 years 116.72±5.58 cm, 8-9 years 121.82±6.02 cm, 9-10 years 126.3±6.36 cm, 10-11 years 132.55±6.63 cm, 11-12 years 137.15±6.91 cm, 12-13 years 141.51±6.70 cm. The mean chest girths of the male children of each age group were: 6-7 years 55.7±2.69 cm, 7-8 years 56.7±2.84 cm, 8-9 years 59.37±3.60 cm, 9-10 years 61.28±4.10 cm, 10-11 years 62.28±3.80 cm, 11-12 years 64±5.40 cm, 12-13 years 64.5±3.76 cm. The mean chest girths of the female children of each age group were: 6-7 years 54.3±2.33 cm, 7-8 years 55.1±2.81 cm, 8-9 years 57.5±3.58 cm, 9-10 years 58.91±3.63 cm, 10-11 years 61.14±4.79 cm, 11-12 years 64±4.99 cm, 12-13 years 66.10±5.42 cm. The mean head girths of the male children of each age group were: 6-7 years 50.5±1.20 cm, 7-8 years 50.61±1.50 cm, 8-9 years 50.95±2.15 cm, 9-10 years 51.27±1.94 cm, 10-11 years 51.74±1.69 cm. 11-12 years 51.8±2.02 cm, 12-13 years 51.80±1.88 cm. The mean head girths of the female children of each age group were: 6-7 years 49.7±1.21 cm, 7-8 years 49.76±1.38 cm, 8-9 years 50.11±1.49 cm, 9-10 years 50.52±1.74 cm, 10-11 years 51.13±2.01 cm, 11-12 years 51.59±1.88 cm, 12-13 years 52.10±1.50 cm. At the age of 6-7 years, the mean height, weight and chest girth of the boys surpassed those of the girls, but from 10-11 years to 12-13 years, the oldest group examined in this study, the mean weight and height and chest girth of the girls surpassed those of the boys. Up to the age of 11-12 years, the mean head girths of all age groups of the boys were slightly larger than those of the girls. When the body weights of the boys and girls and the heights of the boys of Shin chuang and Kuo Tai primary schools, located in the, more central area of the town, are compared to those of Tow Chien and Ming An primary schools, located in the more peripheral area of the town, the former are more often superior to the latter, however, the difference is usually not statistically significant. The body heights of the girls of the former schools are higher than those of the latter schools, and the difference is statistically more significant.


