  • 期刊

Perinatal and Neonatal Mortality –A 5-year Survey in Changhua Christian Hospital-




本文報告是以同顧式的方法收集了從公元1979至公元1983的五年期間,在彰化基督教醫院産房生産的21,430個新生兒中死亡的病例而做了一系列的統計與分析。週産期的死亡率是以體重大於500公克以上的死産數加上7天內的新生兒死亡數(及28天內新生兒死亡數)之和除以全部的生産總數而得來。早期新生兒的死亡率是以7天內新生兒的死亡總數除以全部的活産總數;而新生兒的死亡率是以28天內新生兒的死亡總數除以全部的活産總數而得來。在我們的報告中,週産期的死亡率(7天內)由1979(民國68年)的千分之28.28降到了1983(民國72年)的千分之16.62而新生兒的死亡率也由千分之16.22降到了千分之9.62。在269個死産例中,以原因未明者占最多,依次則爲臍帶脫出,胎盤早期剝離及先天性畸型等等。而在新生兒死亡例中則以呼吸窘迫症(RDS)症候羣最多,依次爲先天性異常,新生兒窒息等。我們的結論是:週産期與新生兒死亡率的降低應歸功於下列三個主要的原因①死産數的減少②對高危險妊娠孕婦照顧的進步,降低了由於懷孕併發症或待産期中而導致的新生兒死亡數③由於新生兒加護病房的設備、知識、人員的進步,挽救了許許多多的低體重早産兒;尤其是那些出生體重小於1,500 公克者更爲明顯。




A total of 21,430 births delivered at Changhua Christian Hospital during a 5-year period from 1979 to 1983 were reviewed retrospectively. A gradually declining perinatal mortality rate from 28.25% (1979) to 16.22% (1983) was clearly shown by this study, and the same trend was also noted for neonatal mortality; i. e., from 16.22% (1979) to 9.62% (1983). The causes of fetal deaths and neonatal deaths were reviewed, showing that the undetermined etiology accounted for the majority deaths among the total 269 fetal deaths. Idiopathic respiratory distress syndrome (IRDS), asphyxia and congenital anomalies were the most frequent causes of death in the neonatal period. It is concluded that the decrease in the perinatal and neonatal mortality rates was due to: (1) the decrease of fetal deaths (2) intensive antenatal care of high-risk pregnancies to prevent the intrapartum deaths and neonatal deaths of complicated pregnancies and (3) more adequately equipped facilities with higher standards of neonatal intensive care for low birth weight neonates of less than 1,500 grams.
