  • 期刊

A Microbiological Study of Neonatal Conjunctivitis




自民國74年3月至10月共8個月期間,我們對本院嬰兒室內及門診的新生兒中若發現息有新生兒結膜炎的病例,我們立即將其結膜滲出物作細菌培養及應用免疫螢光分析法(direct-immuno-fluorescence test)來偵測披衣菌(Chlamydia trachomatis)。在80位患有新生兒結膜炎的嬰兒中,16位(20%)有C. trachomatis感染,5位(6.25%)有C. trachomatis及Staph. aureus感染,1位(1.25%)有C. trachomatis及Streptococcus pneumoniae感染,15位(18.75%)有Staphylococcus aureus感染,2位(2.5%)有Staphylococcus aureus及Klebsiella pneumonia感染,5位(6.25%)有Pseudomonas aeruginosa感染,3位(3.75%)有Escherichia coli感染,1位(1.25%)有Neisseria gonorrhea感染。C. trachomatis及Staph. aureus為引起新生兒結膜炎之最常見的二種病原菌。 自十九世末1%的硝酸銀液即被使用來預防淋菌性結膜炎,而且被發現可明顯減少新生兒淋菌性結膜炎的發生。但是1%硝酸銀液並不能預防披衣菌性結膜炎的發生。目前披衣菌結膜炎遠比淋菌性結膜炎常見,雖然紅黴素(erythromycin)及四環黴素tetracycline可預防披衣菌結膜炎的發生,但不能防止nasopharyngeal colonization及後來發生披衣菌性肺炎(chlamydial pneumonia)。目前對以何種方法來預防新生兒結膜炙的發生還沒有很明顯的定論。




Between March 1985 and October 1985, in order to assess the microbial causes of neonatal conjunctivitis, aerobic bacterial cultures and direct fluorescent monoclonal antibody stain to detect Chlamydia trachomatis infection were performed in eighty infants with purulent conjunctival discharge. All eighty infants suffered from conjunctivitis in the neonatal period (<4 weeks of age). Another forty-five healthy newborn infants were selected to be a control group. Of the 80 infants with purulent conjunctival discharge, 16 (20%) had Chlamydia trachomatis infection; 5 (6.25%) infants had Chlamydia trachomatis and Staphylococcus aureus infection; 1 (1.25%) had Chlamydia trachomatis and Streptococcus pneumoniae infection; 15 (18.75%) infants had Staphylococcus aureus infecton; 2 (2.5%) had Staphylococcus aureus and Klebsiella pneumoniae infection; 5 (6.25%) infants had Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection: 3 (3.75%) infants, Escherichia coli infection; and 1 (1.25%) infant had Neisseria gonorrheae infection. Chiamydia trachomatis and Staphylococcus aureus were the organisms found most frequently in this study. Of the eighty infants with purulent conjunctival discharge, anaerobic bacterial and mycoplasmal cultures were performed for 25 infants, but all the anaerobic bacterial and mycoplasmal cultures were negative.
