  • 期刊


Readmission to International Pediatric Association: A Review and Perspective



中華民國小兒科醫學會於民國49年(1960)成立,於1961年5月加入國際小兒科醫學會(IPA),積極參與國際小兒科醫學會活動。然而於1973年10月,本會因政治因素被迫退出IPA。時隔十六年,於今(1989)年7月第19屆國際小兒科醫學會大會(ICP)在巴黎召開之際,本會得以中華台北(CHINESE TAIPEI)名稱,恢復IPA會籍及投票權。蓋IPA於1972年成立,現會員國家有94個,會員學會99個。IPA總會下的關聯學會有拉丁美洲及東南亞小兒科學會等六個區域性學會,另有國際小兒神經及人類發育研究等12個小兒科各細科學會。我們盼望並祈求從今以後本會將可獲得更強而有力的國際友誼及助力,加快改善我國出生通報作業以減少新生兒死亡的嚴重漏報,實現兒童使康保險、重病兒童的轉診、兒童醫學中心之設立及小兒細專科之發展等。我們重新加入IPA的行列以後將有更多的機會參與國際性會議並參加聯合國兒童基金會(UNICEF)及世界衛生組織(WHO)所倡導的全球性擴大免疫,AIDS防治及事故預防等國際性研究及保健計劃,可望獲得更多的最新科技與資訊,有助於達成紀元2000年全民使康的目標。




The Pediatric Association of the Republic of China, which was founded in 1960 for the promotion of child health care, research and teaching as well as of friendship among pediatricians, entered the International Pediatric Association (WA) in May, 1961. This Association actively participated in the 10th to 13th International Congresses of Pediatrics (ICP) held in Lisbon 1962, Tokyo 1965, Mexico City 1968 and Vienna 1971, respectively. It also sent a group of delegates to the 1st Asian Congress of Pediatrics, organized by the Association of Pediatric Societies in South East Asian Region (APSSEAR), held in Manila in 1974. Regretably, this Association was forced out of IPA in October 1973, and APSSEAR in 1974, simply because that the pediatric society of Mainland China had been admitted to the IPA. The members of the Association continued working hard and strived for the excellence in clinical pediatrics. Our members were encouraged to attend the international meetings regardless of membership problems. Some international meetings were organized and held in Taiwan attracting many experts and investigators from abroad. In July 1989, this Association was readmitted to the WA under the name of ”Chinese Taipei”, likewise in Olympics, during the 19th ICP, held in Paris. Also granted was the right of voting. Re-admission to the APS SEAR was also approved. With gratitude and rejoice, we commemorate the return to International arena. It is hoped that more expert advices and friendship will come from IPA, WHO, UNICEF, and some member countries. They may help us update clinical practices, and engage in more important surveys and research programmes, such as the international surveys on pediatric education, expanded programmes for immunization, and global accident prevention programmes. They may also help us achieve our unfulfilled tasks, such as pediatric subspecialization, renovation of the births registration system, founding of children's medical centers and health insurance coverage among children. We are now in a better position to advocate the child health care in Taiwan, hoping that health for all including children will be achieved by the year 2000.

