  • 會議論文
  • OpenAccess


Is going home far way? Introducing offenders' reentry programs: An international perspective




重返社會 再犯 出獄 保護管束 假釋 社區矯正


The number of released prisoners has reached at the average of 35,000 every year over the past decade. According to the Taiwanese Ministry of Justice's statistics, the number of recidivists in the past 5 years is getting higher gradually upon the time of release. Taking those released prisoners in 2013 as an example, after a 5-year's follow-up investigation, their recidivism rate was 56.1%. Specifically, the second year after incarceration was the peak of recidivism. Meanwhile, the Taiwanese Agency of Corrections' statistics in 2018 reveal, the proportion between recidivists and new comers has come to 8:2, suggesting many prisoners after prison have not successfully reentered society as expected. Hence, exploring why those ex-prisoners failed to reenter society smoothly and how work reentry programs for ex-prisoners while in society is a critical issue for Taiwanese corrections and probation departments. In line with this argument, this article attempts to find out criminological theories to explain why ex-prisoners desist from crimes or continuously commit crimes after release from prison. Moreover, this article aims to explore the causes and identify the risk factors of those recidivists and tries to summarize the dilemmas where the ex-prisoners encounter in society. Also, this piece collects some reentry programs drawn from other nations and introduces key components and practical strategies of the above-mentioned programs to Taiwanese criminal justice agencies. Overall, policy recommendations have been proposed to correctional and probation departments in final.
