  • 期刊

Orbital Cellulitis in Children: Clinical Analysis of 16 Cases



眼窩蜂窩組織炎是一種嚴重的眼窩感染症,它主要侵犯眼瞼隔膜後的軟組織,臨床症狀包括眼睛局部紅腫、發熱、眼球外突、眼肌麻庳或視力減退,無論在兒科或眼科,本病都屬於緊急疾病,必須及時治療才可以減少其可能引起的并發症及後遺症。 本篇是搜集并分析長庚醫院在1977年元月1月到1993年7月31日,18歲以下兒童,診斷為眼窩蜂窩組織炎而住院的16個病例。其中男生13人,女生3人,平均年齡是5.6歲,平均住院天數8.8天,有8位病人經X光及理學檢查顯示有鼻竇炎,有12個病患做了血液或膿液的細培養,其中有5人分离出致病菌:1人的血液和膿液同時長出Staphylococcus aureus,1人的膿液長出S.aureus,1人的膿液長viridans streptococcus,另外2人的膿液則長出多種細菌。所有病人從住院開始即接受抗生素治療,抗生素平均使用天數是9.4天,11個發燒的病人在抗生素使用後平均2.9天才退燒。有4個病人出現并發症,包括2個骨膜下膿瘍,1個眼窩內膿瘍,另1個是菌血症。另外有5個病人接受了外科引流治療。在我們的報告中,沒有死亡的病例,16個病童都完全復原而沒有後遺症。


Orbital cellulitis, defined as eyelid erythema and edema, proptosis and/or ophthalmoplegia, with or without visual acuity loss, is a rare, but severe infectious disease. The medical records were reviewed of 16 children, aged 18 years or under, who were admitted at Chang Gung Memorial Hospital with a diagnosis of orbital cellulitis dtring the period from January 1977 to June 1993. The 16 children included 13 males and 3 females. The mean age of the patients was 5.6 years. Sinusitis, diagnosed clinically and radiologically in eight cases, was the most common predisposing factor. From pus or blood in five patients,these pathogens were isolated: Staphylococcus aureus (2), viridans streptococci (1) and mixed bacterial flora (2). All of the patients were treated with systemic antibiotics. The mean duration of fever after initiation of antibiotic therapy was 2.9 days. Four patients subsequently developed complications: subperiosteal abscess(2), orbital abscess (1), and bacteremia (1). Five patients received surgical treatment. No mortality was reported. After a follow-up period of 1-2 months, no sequelae were found among any of these 16 patients.


orbital cellulitis
