  • 期刊

Swyer James Syndrome Following Mycoplasma pneumoniae Pneumonia: Report of One Case

黴漿菌性肺炎續發Swyer James症候群:一病例報告


本文報告一例五歲大女童,過去無呼吸窘迫與氣喘之病史,曾於十四個月前因黴漿菌肺炎住院治療,從此常有氣喘發作及運動性呼吸困難並續發右肺過度透氣。本次住院檢查發現右肺呼吸音明顯降低,並伴隨吸氣期撚髮音及喘鳴。胸部X-光片可見血管紋路減少及右上肺葉塌陷。住院期中以肺部電腦斷層掃描,軟式氣管鏡及肺部灌流攝影證實爲Swyer James症候群。病人現仍在門診以氣喘藥物治療中。


A previous healthy 5 year-old girl developed a right hyperlucent lung following Mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia 14 months before admission. Serial chest radio graphs revealed a persistent right upper lobe atelectasis and gradual development of the right hyperlucent lung associated with frequent bouts of wheezing and exertional dyspnea. Physical examination showed markedly decreased breathing sounds in the right hem ithorax with fine inspiratory crackles and expiratory wheezes. A diagnosis of Swyer James syndrome was confirmed by the exclusion of other causes of unilateral hyperlucent lung using computed tomographic scans of chest, fiberoptic bronchoscopy and lung perfusion scintigraphy. She has been followed up at our hospital using anti-asthmatic medication.
