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Growth Promotion and Induction of Systemic Resistance in Rice Cultivar Co-47 (Oryza sativa L.) by Methylobacterium spp.

水稻(Oryza sativa L.)品種Co-47可被Methylobacterium菌促進生長及誘導出系統性的抗病狀態


粉紅色的兼性甲醇菌(PPFMs),及Methylobacterium屬,為植物葉表之常住客,大多經由種子傳播。本文檢驗溫室中此菌對水稻生長之促進及對疾病之抑制。水稻種子以Methylobacterium sp.菌株PPFM-Os-07接種,然後評估種子發芽情形,項目有:形態判定,幼菌生長,發芽速率(R(下標 G)),及種子活力指標(SVI)。另一實驗則檢驗水稻浸水含甲醇菌或葉面噴酒甲醇菌然後看病菌相關蛋白質(PR-proteins)之誘導情形。第三實驗,發芽60天之盆栽水稻以Rhizoctonia solani菌株TNAU-01。甲醇菌之接種促進種子發芽,稻苗生長,增加株高,抽穗數,植體生物量,及稻穀產量。平均增產,經由浸泡方式或葉面噴酒方式,可分別達22.1%或24.3%。甲醇菌也顯著地減少鞘銹病之發生,不論是上述那一種處理方式:如單獨浸泡處理可減小17.8%之感病;如浸泡和葉面噴酒併用則可減少23.5%。水稻植物噴酒PPFM-Os-07菌株後1天就發現PR-proteins及phenolic contents增加。最高量之phenylalanine ammonia lyase及peroxidas。活性出現在第4天;β-1,3-ghicanase及chitinase活性則出現在第5天。以上結果顯示接種甲醇菌可改變水稻對R. solani之感病性。本文強調當研究和植物密切接觸之細菌的助長情形時應同時探討是否出自於誘導系統性抗病之效果。


Pink-pigmented facultatively methylotrophic bacteria (PPFMs), persistent colonizers of plant leaf surfaces, belong to the genus Methrlobacterium and are mostly transmitted through seeds. Plant growth-promoting activity of methylotrophic bacteria and their effects on disease suppression were evaluated on rice under greenhouse conditions. Rice seeds were inoculated with Methylobacterium sp. strain PPFM-Os-07 and seed germination was evaluated in terms of morphometric measurements, seedling growth, rate of germination (R(subscript G)), and seedling vigour index (SVI). Another experiment was carried out to study the induction of pathogenesis-related proteins (PR-proteins) in rice plants that were inoculated with methylotrophic bacteria by seed imbibition or foliar spray. In the third experiment, sixty-day-old rice plants grown in pots were challenge inoculated with Rhizoctonia solani strain TNAU-01. Methylobacterium inoculation promoted seed germination and plant growth. Increased plant height, number of tillers, plant biomass, and grain yield were observed. The average yield increases for seed imbibition and phyllosphere spray were, respectively, 22.1% and 24.3% greater than control. The bacteria also significantly reduced the sheath blight incidence when applied as either bacterial culture through seed imbibition and or phyllosphere spray. The percent disease reduction recorded for seed imbibition alone and for combined applications of seed imbibition and phyllosphere spray were 17.8% and 23.5%. Rice plants sprayed with PPFM-Os-07 strain showed increased presence of PR-proteins and phenolic contents on day 1 after application. Maximum phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL) and peroxidase activity on day 4 and β-1,3-glucanase and chitinase activity on day 5 were recorded. The results suggest that Methylobacterium inoculation may alter rice susceptibility to R. solani. This work emphasizes the importance of evaluating induced systemic resistance while studying plant-associated growth promoting bacteria.


Chang, C. Y. (2010). 慢濾池降低水中亞硝基二甲胺濃度之研究 [master's thesis, National Taiwan University]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2010.01213
