  • 期刊


Screening for Scent and Grain Quality in Rice Mutants


本研究目的在篩選特殊香味及米粒品質之突變體,期能增加水稻香味類型與提昇食用品質,及提供未來水稻相關研究利用。試驗採用水稻品種台農嘉農育911303號經ethylmethane sulfonate(EMS)誘變之約1000個M5及M6突變系為材料,經篩選結果發現利用EMS可誘發香味發生變化,在突變後代中可篩出強香、中香、微香及無香等四種不同香味程度的品系,尤其香味檢定過程中亦發現8個有別於芋頭香味的突變系,結果顯示利用化學誘變可擴大目前栽培稻的香味類型,增加香味種類及強度。在米粒品質的檢定中發現,利用EMS誘變可誘發粗蛋白質、脂肪酸含量及食味值產大量的變異,蛋白質含量介於4.8~10%之間,脂肪酸含量介於7.7~19.2mg/100g KOH之間,食味值介於48~69之間,味度值介於43~80之間,可作為選育高品質良質米品種之用。而在不同香味等級材料中則發現強香型突變系其食味與中香、微香及無香型間有明顯的差異存在,可由此突變材料選出具有不同香味及食味佳之良質米品系。


香味水稻 突變 米質


Rice is an important staple food in the world. Aroma and quality are two of its important high value traits. In this study, different kinds of scented rice mutants with high grain quality were selected from the mutation pools of Tainung-Chianung-yu rice 911303 induced by mutagen ethylmethane sulfonate (EMS). Mutants with strong, medium, weak and no aroma were found in approximately 1,000 of M5 and M6 mutation lines. Among the scented mutants, eight lines exhibited aroma different from the taro fragrance. The results indicated that the EMS treatment could induce wide range variations of aroma in rice progenies. Therefore, the chemical mutation can be used to induce phenotype appearance of various aromatic genes for future study and rice breeding. In the quality analysis, it was found that there were many scented mutant lines with wide range variations in crude protein content, fatty acid content and eating quality. The range of protein content and fatty acid content were 4.8-10% and 7.7-19.2 mg/100 g KOH, respectively. The eating quality score and palatability score was 46-69 and 43-80, respectively. This indicates that we can select high crude protein content, low fatty acid content and high eating quality rice lines with strong aroma through chemical mutation treatment. However, when the rice quality of mutated lines with different degree of aromatic flavor was compared, it was found that the eating quality of strong aromatic rice was inferior to mutated lines with medium, weak and no aroma.


Aromatic rice Mutation Rice quality




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