  • 期刊


Genetic Diversity and Identification of Cassava Germplasm with RAPD and SSR


本研究之植物材料爲台灣目前所保存的21個樹薯(Manihot esculenta Crantz)種原品種(系),首先利用逢機增殖多型性(Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA; RAPD)分子標誌,進行樹薯種原遺傳歧異分析,以探討各種原間之親緣關係。之後再進一步加以簡單序列重複(Simple Sequence Repeat; SSR)分子標誌進行種原鑑定,主要目的在於期望能將21個樹薯品種(系)進行完全地區分鑑別。RAPD試驗結果所獲得的156條多型性片段,經群集分析,21個樹薯種原可區分成爲4群,以提供育種參考。而以11組intra-SSR引子進行試驗,獲得32條多型性片段,經由這些多型性片段的組合,可成功地將21個樹薯品種(系)進行完全的區分,顯示SSR分子標誌在樹薯種原鑑定,爲一強而有力之工具。


The research aimed to identify 21 cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) germplasm accessions collected from Taiwan. The objectives were to understand genetic diversity among cassava germplasm accessions using RAPD and to identify each of them by intra-SSR. 21 accessions of cassava germplasm were clustered to 4 groups based on 156 polymorphic bands of RAPD. From the analysis of RAPD, it could provide as references for breeders, 32 polymorphic bands from 11 SSR primers were found and the 21 cassava varieties/lines could be differentiated completely using these intra-SSR polymorphic bands. This research revealed that the intra-SSR is a powerful molecular tool for the identification of cassava germplasm.
