  • 期刊

Seasonal Changes of Growth and Leaf Perillaldehyde in Perilla frutescens (L.) Britton



紅葉紫蘇[Perilla frutescens (L.) Britton]係唇形科(Lamiaceae)原產亞洲之雙子葉植物,如今已廣泛分佈於包括臺灣在內之世界各地。欲將植物提升為農作物,殊有必要針對該植物生長行為及化學組成進行深入探討,以提供栽培管理與多元利用之參考。本研究調查紫蘇植株在2004年至2006年期間不同生同季節之生長性狀及葉片紫蘇醛濃度與含量季節變化,其中生長性狀以株高、葉面積指數(leaf area index, LAI)及植體地上部位(葉片、莖桿)鮮重為主。以種子育苗至五葉齡期,分別於3月(Season I)、4月(Season II)、5月(Season III)、6月(Season IV)及7月(Season V)進行移植工作,將苗株定植於試驗田間。葉片紫蘇醛濃度則以高效液體層析儀(High Performance Liquid Chromatography, HPLC)予以分析。根據試驗結果,發現生長於相對較為冷涼之Season I 植株之株高、LAI及植體地上部位鮮重均高於相對較為溫暖之其他栽培季節(Seasons II-V),似乎溫暖環境相對較不利於植株生長。植株成熟時採收之種子生產量因栽培季節而異,惟以Season V收刈之種子量最低,然而其500粒種子重量最高。無論年份或季節,主桿節位伸出葉片之紫蘇醛濃度,以第10至第15節位之間為高原期,高於其他節位葉片之紫蘇醛濃度,呈現凸形曲線分佈。其等葉片之紫蘇醛含量,在各栽培季節亦呈現類似凸形曲線變化。又紫蘇醛含量於生育期間及不同栽培季節在主桿葉片及分支葉片會有不等之變化,因此考量兩者加總量後,建議以移植後110-120日期間為獲得葉片紫蘇醛最大收取量之最佳時期。


Perilla frutescens (L.) Britton, a member of Lamiaceae and a native dicot in Asia, is now distributed worldwide including Taiwan. To further explore its uses as a commercial crop, a comprehensive study regarding the growth behavior and chemical components of this plant species is needed. In the present research, changes in growth traits, including plant height, leaf area index and weights of aerial parts, and leaf perillaldehyde (PA) concentration and content were investigated for plants grown in different growing seasons in the experimental period from 2004 to 2006. The five-leaf stage seedlings were transplanted in March (Season I), April (Season II), May (Season III) June (Season IV) and July (Season V), respectively. Concentration of leaf PA was determined by High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). Results showed that plant height was taller and leaf area index and fresh weights of aerial parts were larger for plants grown in cooler Season I relative to those plants grown in other warmer seasons (Seasons II-V), implying that warming conditions during growing periods was not in favor to plant growth. Seeds harvested at maturity were found varied in different growing seasons and seed produced in Season V was the lowest. In contrast, the highest value of 500-seed weight also obtained from seeds produced in Seasons V. The PA concentration in the primary leaves on the main stem from position 10 to 15 was higher than others and the quadratic pattern was similar in different growing seasons in 2004–2006. The distribution pattern of leaf PA content was in accordance with leaf PA concentration during the growing periods. In considering the proportions of PA distributed in leaves emerged on the main stem and the lateral branches, the proper time period to harvest the highest quantity of leaf PA for a single plant was from 110 to 120 days after transplanting.
