  • 期刊

Growth Behavior and Perillaldehyde Concentration of Primary Leaves of Perilla frutescens (L.) Britton Grown in Different Seasons

不同栽培季節紫蘇(Perilla frutescens (L.) Britton)之生長行為及主桿不同節位葉片紫蘇醛濃度變化


紫蘇(Perilla frutescens (L.) Britton)屬於Lamiaceae科,係原產於亞洲的雙子葉植物,目前已散見於世界各地。紫蘇在許多地區被視為常見的一年生雜草,由於植體內含有毒害性物質紫蘇酮(perilla ketone),因此多不為放牧之牲畜所覓食。在許多亞洲國家如日本、韓國及臺灣,紫蘇亦被視為作物栽培,供作食物之添加物等多種用途。本文研究旨在探討紫蘇於2004年不同栽培季節之生長行為及主桿不同節位葉片紫蘇醛(perillaldehyde)濃度,田間試驗係於位於臺中縣霧峰鄉之行政院農委會農業試驗所農場進行,幼苗分別於3月15日(第1季)、5月3日(第2季)及7月30日(第3季)定植於田區,生育期間調查之生長性狀包括株高、葉面積與地上部植體重量(葉重、桿重及葉加桿重)。主桿(莖)之不同節位葉片紫蘇醛濃度以高效能液態層析儀(HPLC, High Performance Liquid Chromatography)予以分析。根據試驗結果,與生長於第2季及第1季植株相比較,第3季生長之植株高度較矮且葉面積與植體重量較小。在生育天數與開花期方面,第3季、第2季及第1季生長之植株分別需要118天與64天、203天與152天及248天與200天。然而無論栽培季節,植株長出之花苔概於10月1日或2日開花。結果亦顯示,各栽培季節植株主桿完全展開葉片之面積與鮮重皆隨著節位上升而增加,直至第10節位,其後節位葉片則呈現下降趨勢。在相同主桿節位之完全展開葉片,以第1季生長之植株具有最大之葉面積與葉鮮重,其次為第2季生長之植株,再次為第3季生長之植株。在主桿第10節位以後之完全展開葉片紫蘇醛濃度,隨著節位上升而濃度增加,且第1季高於第2季及第3季者。綜合試驗結果,顯示栽培季節將影響紫蘇植株之生長行為及葉片紫蘇醛濃度,一般言較高節位葉片之紫蘇醛濃度大於較低節位葉片者。


Perilla frutescens (L.) Britton, a member of Lamiaceae and a native dicot in Asia, is now widely distributed in many regions of the world. It is regarded as a common annual weed in some areas and is generally ignored by grazing livestock because of the toxic compound perillaketone presented in the plant. However, it is also considered a commercial crop used as a condiment for foods in many Asian countries such as Japan, Korea and Taiwan. In the present study, changes in growth traits and perillaldehyde concentration of primary leaves along the main stem were investigated for plants grown at Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute Experimental Farm (Wufeng, Taiwan) in different growing seasons of 2004. The growth traits, including plant height, leaf area and weights of aerial parts, were measured regularly during the growing periods for plants transplanted on March 15 (Season 1), May 3 (Season 2) and July 30 (Season 3), respectively. The concentration of perillaldehyde was determined by High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). Results show that plant height was shorter and leaf area and plant weights were smaller for plants grown in Season 3 relative to those plants grown in Seasons 2 and 1. Plants grown in Season 3 had shorter growth duration (118 days) and days to flowering (64 days), compared to 203 days and 152 days for Season 2 and 248days and 200 days for Season 1, respectively. However, plants grown in these three seasons all had the similar flowering date, October 1 or 2. Area and weight of primary leaves increased with the increasing of leaf position upwards until leaf position 10 and then decreased thereafter, irrespective of growing seasons. On the same leaf position, primary leaves from Season 3 were smaller in area and lighter in weight than those leaves from Season 2 and Season 1. The concentration of perillaldehyde of fully expanded primary leaves increased with the increasing of leaf position upwards, and was higher in leaves from Season 1, followed by Season 2 and Season 3, after leaf position 10. Results suggest that growth behavior and perillaldehyde concentration were influenced by planting/growing seasons, and primary leaves in the upper positions have a higher concentration of perillaldehyde than those in the lower positions.
