  • 期刊


Recycling of Spent King Oyster Mushroom Substrate for Production of Mushrooms


台灣大部分菇類以木屑為主要栽培原料,為求森林保育與菇類產業永續發展,開發木屑替代資材實為菇類產業之重要課題。由於採收僅一週期的菇類廢棄基質含有豐富之營養,若能再次回收並應用於菇類栽培,不僅可以有效降低生產成本,還可減少對新鮮木屑之需求。本研究以不同乾重比例之杏鮑菇廢棄基質取代新鮮木屑,用以栽培秀珍菇、鴻喜菇和巴西蘑菇等菇類,結果顯示不同處理之間對於秀珍菇走菌和出菇所需之天數並無顯著性差異,但在產量上,以廢棄基質取代1/3新木屑之處理209.6 g bag^(-1),顯著高於以新木屑栽培秀珍菇之處理188.5 g bag-1,而以廢棄基質取代1/2及2/3新木屑處理之產量和全新木屑栽培之對照組則無顯著性差異。在鴻喜菇試驗方面,添加杏鮑菇廢棄基質處理之產量1,211.9-1,261.8 g/12瓶,均顯著高於未添加廢棄基質之對照組947.8 g/12 瓶。巴西蘑菇則以添加杏鮑菇廢棄基質1/2處理之產量133.7 g bag^(-1)為最高,顯著高於未添加處理者122.1 g bag^(-1),覆土到出菇採收的天數也隨著添加的廢棄基質比例增加而增加,但採收間期則隨著添加的廢棄基質比例增加而縮短,因此對整體栽培週期並無影響。本研究顯示杏鮑菇栽培後基質可應用於秀珍菇、鴻喜菇和巴西蘑菇之栽培,而取代木屑的比例則依菇種不同可分別取代1/3到1/2。


Sawdust is a main ingredient for cultivation of edible mushrooms. In Taiwan, the annual demand of sawdust for mushroom production has increased to more than 350 thousand tons in recent years. Using sawdust for mushroom production is not only expensive but also environmentally unsound. In Taiwan, an estimated 200 thousand tons of spent mushroom substrates were produced annually and most of them were used as organic compost for growing crops. However, most of the spent mushroom substrates are nutrient rich and they are of potential for reuse in growing mushrooms. The objective of this study was to determine the feasibility of production of phoenix tail mushroom (Pleurotus sajor-caju), Bunashimeji (Hypsizygus marmoreus), and sunny mushroom (Agaricus braziliensis), using spent king oyster mushroom (Pleurotus eryngii) substrates collected after harvesting as an ingredient in the growth substrate. The ratio of fresh sawdust (Trema orientalis) and spent king oyster mushroom substrate in the growth substrate was 2:1, 1:1, 1:2, or 1:0 (w/w, dry weight) for the production of phoenix tail mushroom and Bunashimeji; and 1:0, 2:1 or 1:1 (w/w, dry weight) for the production of sunny mushroom. Results showed that yield of phoenix tail mushroom in the growth substrate containing fresh sawdust and spent king oyster mushroom substrate at 1:1 or 1:2 ratio was not significantly different from the treatment of 1:0 (fresh sawdust alone). Yield of Bunashimeji in the treatment of fresh sawdust and spent king oyster mushroom substrate at 1:1, 2:1, or 1:2 ratio (w/w, dry weight) was higher than the treatment of 1:0. For sunny mushroom, yield was the highest in the treatment of fresh sawdust and spent king oyster mushroom substrate at 1:1 ratio (w/w, dry weight). These results suggest that the spent king oyster mushroom substrate can be used to replace fresh sawdust for production of phoenix tail mushroom, Bunashimeji and sunny mushroom and the optimum rate of spent king oyster mushroom substrate for mushroom production varies with mushroom species. In addition, the use of spent king oyster mushroom substrate will reduce the demand of fresh sawdust and, thereby, reduce the mushroom production cost and improve environmental health.


