  • 期刊


Breeding of Novel Litchi Cultivar 'Tainung No.7 (Early Big)'


新品種荔枝「台農7號(早大荔)」係農業試驗所嘉義分所自1982年以「沙坑」為母本之實生後裔選育而得,於2010年取得品種權。本品種兼具早熟、大果特性,故以此命名。「台農7號(早大荔)」於台灣南部地區可於5月上旬至下旬採收,較早熟商業品種「玉荷包」早約10 d,較中熟商業品種「沙坑」或「黑葉」早約17-21 d。本品種生產栽培成本低於「玉荷包」,而單穗著果量與豐產品種「沙坑」及「黑葉」相當,品種系比較試驗及區域試驗結果亦顯示本品種著果良好且無明顯隔年結果;「台農7號(早大荔)」果實平均單果重約25-35 g,果色澤紅、果形呈橢圓或心形、清甜多汁,具備市場價值,期能部分取代我國現有荔枝生產,提早荔枝產期,紓解台灣長期以來的荔枝產銷問題。


台灣 荔枝育種 玉荷包 黑葉 沙坑


The novel litchi cultivar 'Tainung No.7 (Early Big)' was selected from progenies of the maternal parent 'Sah Keng' at Chiayi Agricultural Experiment Branch, Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute. The breeding program started in 1982 while the Plant Variety Right of this cultivar approved by the local authority in 2010. The cultivar was named for its 'early' harvesting season and 'big' fruit. In southern Taiwan, it can be harvested in early to late May, about 10 days prior to the commercial early-season cultivar 'Yu Her Pau' and 17 to 21 days prior to commercial mid-season cultivar 'Hak Ip' or 'Sah Keng'. Its production costs are lower than that of 'Yu Her Pau', yet it bears similar number of fruitlets on a panicle with the high yielding cultivars 'Sah Keng' and 'Hak Ip'. 'Tainung No.7 (Early Big)' litchi also has good fruiting ability and has no obvious alternate bearing, according to the results of varieties comparison and regional trials. The weight per fruit is about 25 to 35 g, with red peel, elliptic or cordate fruit shape, mild-sweet and juicy aril. With these special characteristics, it makes the cultivar valuable for commercial production and marketing. By taking advantages of early harvesting and the aforementioned characters, it will greatly eliminate problems of introducing this litchi variety to the market of Taiwan.


