  • 期刊


Increasing Drought Tolerance in a Salt-Tolerant Japonica Rice Cultivar Using Marker-Assisted Selection


本研究以5個稉型稻(Oryza sativa ssp. japonica)誘變品系SM61、CWY981126、CWY981127、CWY981128及CNY911303等為材料,在5葉齡以100、150、200、250及300 mM NaCl等5種不同濃度溶液進行模擬鹽分處理,在各品系之耐鹽性評估中,發現除了150 mM鹽分逆境外,耐鹽表現均以CWY981126顯著優於其他品系。而以4個秈型稻(Oryza sativa ssp. indica)品種(系)‘HY15’、‘IR29’、‘IR64’及SM1為材料,在幼苗期3葉齡以28%聚乙二醇(PEG 6000)進行模擬缺水逆境處理,結果發現‘HY15’的秧苗期耐旱性表現較佳。進一步以CWY981126為耐鹽性輪迴親,而‘HY15’為耐旱性貢獻親,經2次回交將耐旱性導入CWY981126中。各回交世代選育過程均先經過缺水,挑選出耐鹽和耐旱的後代,再透過分子標幟之背景輔助選拔,發現BC_1F_1、BC_2F_1及BC_2F_2的回復率分別為73.6、85.5及88%,與理論的遺傳回復率相近。而BC2F3品系經耐旱特性檢測,發現有7個品系之耐旱表現優良,進一步分析此7個品系之耐鹽表現,結果以LD1、LD7、LD8及LD10等4個品系之耐鹽表現良好,接近或優於輪迴親CWY981126。由此推測,此4個品系已兼具有耐旱及耐鹽特性。綜合上述結果,顯示在分子標幟輔助下BC2F2回交後代平均已有88%比率回復至輪迴親的遺傳背景,成功將耐旱性導入耐鹽稉稻中,而選育出同時具耐鹽及耐旱特性潛力的新品系。這些品系值得進一步探討,希望未來能提供國內外缺水及鹽化土地的栽培利用。


Five mutant lines of Oryza sativa ssp. japonica, SM61, CWY981126, CWY981127, CWY9811268, and CNY911303, were evaluated for salt tolerance by treated with 100, 150, 200, 250, and 300 mM NaCl solutions, respectively. The CWY981126 showed the most tolerant cultivar under all concentrations except 150 mM of NaCl. On the other hand, drought tolerant cultivars were evaluated among four indica rice cultivars including ‘HY15’, ‘IR29’, ‘IR64’, and SM1 by treated with 28% PEG 6000. The ‘HY15’ showed the best tolerance to drought stress. To improve drought tolerance in the salt-tolerant japonica cultivar, the ‘HY15’ was used as a donor parent to pyramid the drought tolerant trait into the CWY981126. After two backcross generations, the drought tolerant trait was successfully introgressed into the salinity tolerant line, CWY981126. For each generation, all progenies were visually screened by drought or salinity stress tolerant phenotypes combined with a background selection using molecular markers. The recovery rates of recurrent parental genome in BC_1F_1, BC_2F_1, and BC_2F_2 were 73.6%, 85.5%, and 88%, respectively. Seven accessions of BC_2F_3 exhibited better drought tolerance than the recurrent parent, and four of them such as LD1, LD7, LD8, and LD10 also showed good salinity tolerance, indicating that these lines have dual tolerance to drought and salinity. Thus, new accessions harboring both drought and salinity tolerance were bred and could be applied to cultivate in fields with water deficiency and high salinity in Taiwan.
