  • 期刊


Salt Tolerant Characters of Salt Tolerant Rice Mutant CNY1031130


為開發水稻耐鹽品系以因應氣候變遷之衝擊,本研究以200 mM NaCl水耕溶液模擬鹽分逆境,由疊氮化鈉(sodium azide; NaN_3)誘變的「臺稉2號(TK2)」突變庫中篩選出耐鹽突變品系CNY1031130,分別於三葉齡、五葉齡、七葉齡及最高分蘗期等4 個時期,前後以200 mM NaCl水耕溶液及電導度10dS m^(-1)鹽水給予鹽分逆境處理。結果發現,耐鹽品系CNY1031130無論在幼苗期及最高分蘗期,其耐鹽性表現均優於鹽分敏感品系SM332 與對照親本‘TK2’,顯示CNY1031130具有較佳耐鹽性。進一步瞭解CNY1031130對鹽分濃度的耐受性表現,又於五葉齡幼苗期分別以150、200、250及300mM的NaCl濃度進行鹽分逆境處理,發現耐鹽品系CNY1031130無論在低濃度或高鹽度的逆境處理下,對鹽分的耐受性均優於SM332與‘TK2’,顯示CNY1031130為幼苗期高耐鹽性品系。另採集臺南市將軍區的鹽化土壤進行栽種試驗,發現以耐鹽品系CNY1031130 的幼苗存活率、幼苗高度、根乾重與綠色葉片數量最高,顯示耐鹽品系CNY1031130幼苗可正常生長於鹽化土壤中。進一步研究各品種(系)於鹽分逆境下的生理反應以探討其耐受性之原因,發現耐鹽品系CNY1031130與IRRI耐鹽品系Pokkali的malondialdehyde (MDA)含量最低,因此推測耐鹽品系CNY1031130遭受較低氧化逆境程度而具較高的鹽分耐受性。


水稻 突變品系 耐鹽


In order to develop the salt tolerant line for coping with climate change, 200 mM NaCl solution was used to screen the salt-tolerant line(s) developed from mutants of rice cultivar 'Taikeng 2 (TK2)' which were induced by sodium azide (NaN_3). The salt tolerant mutant line, CNY1031130, was selected. To further evaluate the salt tolerance characters of CNY1031130, seedlings of three-leaf, five-leaf, seven-leaf, and maximum tillering stages were treated with 200 mM NaCl and EC10 dS m-1 salt water, respectively. Results showed that CNY1031130 exhibited higher tolerance to salinity than both salt sensitive line 'SM332' and control cultivar 'TK2', implying that the salt tolerant characteristic of CNY1031130 existed. By applying NaCl solutions at the concentrations of 150, 200, 250 and 300 mM to five-leaf stage seedlings of CNY1031130, it maintained a better salt tolerance than others. When planting 'CNY1031130', 'SM332' and 'TK2' in saline soil collected from Jiangjun District of Tainan City, it showed that the survival rate, seedling height, root dry weight, and green leaves number of CNY1031130 were better than others, suggesting that seedlings of CNY1031130 can better grow in salty soil. In the physiological study, both CNY1031130 and salt tolerant variety 'Pokkali' selected by International Rice Research Institute had lower content of malondialdehyde (MDA) than others. Results suggest that CNY1031130 might suffer less oxidative damage under salt stress.


Rice Mutant line Salt tolerance
