  • 期刊


The Behavioral Responses of a Hospitalized Pregnant Woman Undergoing Tocolysis after Repeated Failed Pregnancies


本個案研究目的在探討一位經歷七次妊娠失敗的孕婦,再度住院安胎時所呈現行爲表現的內涵。以田野研究法(field method),將孕婦所表達出來的語言及行爲寫成行爲過程記錄,共計16篇,幷予內容分析整理歸類。結果發現渴望擁有“自己”的小孩是支持個案住院安胎的原動力。然而個案在整個住院安胎過程,時時處於可能陷入妊娠中止的危機中,其承受的四大壓力爲:(1)害怕失敗經驗再試重演,(2)受困於自我掌握性低的不確定感,(3)擔心胎我尚未成熟,(4)煩惱胎兒生長與預期不符。爲此個案付出年有的努力以利安胎成功,其困應行爲則包括三大類:(1)維持有利安胎的母體狀况,(2)維護胎兒的健康,(3)尋求主要支持者對胎兒的認同。此篇研究報告可作爲護理人員照顧此一類孕婦的參考。


The purpose of this case study was to understand the behavioral responses of a hospitalized pregnant woman undergoing tocolysis who had experienced failed pregnancy. Data were collected by the nursing-investigator who served as the ”nurse” to the subject. Nursing process recording was used to record the subject's behavioral responses. Content analysis was used to identify behavioral categories. The results showed that the desire to have her own child was the prime motivation supporting the subject to undergo the pregnancy. But during hospitalization, the subject was enmeshed in the crisis that the pregnancy may be terminated, including four kinds of stresses: (1) fear of repeating the failure experience, (2) feelings of lack of control, (3) worry about fetus immaturity, (4) concern over mismatch between actual and expected fetus growth. The adaptive behaviors in doing her best to have successful pregnancy could be categorized into three themes: (1) keeping the pregnant condition safe, (2) protecting the fetus from harm, (3) seeking supporters' identification with the fetus. It is hoped that the findings will helg nurses to understand the behaviors of women who are experiencing threatened abortion and to develop strategies of good nursing care.


