  • 期刊


Nursing Experience with an Lymphangioleiomyomatosis Patient with Chylothorax




This article discusses experience providing nursing care to a patient suffering from Lymphangioleiomyomatosis who was re-hospitalized for recurrence of chylothorax complications, which caused dyspnea, sterility and mental instability. Based on parameters provided by Roy's adaptation model, the patient was identified as suffering from respiratory impairment, acute pain, sleep pattern disturbance and low self-esteem. Data was collected through interviews, observation and physical assessments. During the course of providing nursing care, the author established a good relationship with the patient through devoted attention to the patient's needs and by actively caring, listening and accompanying. Increased family member visits and interaction, resulting from the author's urgings, gave the patient added support and consolation. Eventually, the author gained the trust of the patient, who, in turn, regained self-control as well as physical and sociopsychological adaptabilities. Clinical nursing must attend to the physical care needs of patients as well as patient mental wellness, the latter of which extends beyond the disease itself, in order to achieve a truly comprehensive quality of nursing care. We are glad to share this successful experience with others in the nursing profession.


