  • 期刊


An Investigation of Post-Traumatic Responses and Related Factors Following the "88 Flood" Disaster


背景 2009年台灣八八水災重創台灣各地,尤其在高雄及屏東地區造成重大土石流災情,使災民遭受身心及財務上的嚴重損失。 目的 了解八八水災災民創傷後反應,並探討其相關因素。 方法 2009年8月27至9月17日期間進行問卷調查,以方便取樣取得高雄縣六龜鄉取得424位災民,並運用事件衝擊量表作為創傷後反應之測量工具。 結果 八八水災災民在事件衝擊量表平均總得分為29.9,且Horowitz得分分類大於19分以上之嚴重創傷後反應比率高達67.9%;其中又以「1.我會不由自主的想到八八水災事件的種種。」得分最高,而「15.我對八八水災事件的感覺是麻木的。」最低。創傷後反應得分高的危險因子包括:距離88水災天數越近、已婚者、不識字者、以農業維生者、經濟狀況差者。 結論/實務應用 研究發現可幫助醫療人員早期辨識創傷後反應高的災民,提供災民身心方面的協助,以減少創傷後壓力性疾患之發生。


Background: In 2009, torrential rains on August 8th caused exceptionally destructive flooding, which soon became known as the ”88 Flood”. Kaohsiung and Pingtung Counties experienced major landslides that left many victims to deal with the aftereffects of physical, psychological and financial loss. Purpose: This study was designed to understand the post-traumatic response of 88 Flood disaster victims and related factors. Methods: Using convenience sampling, we employed an ”impact event of scale” to collect post-traumatic response data from 424 victims resident in Liouguei Township, Kaohsiung County from August 27th to September 17th, 2009. Results: The average post-traumatic response score was 29.9. Two-thirds (67.9%) of victims still displayed severe post-traumatic response after the flood disaster. The most frequently seen post-traumatic response in this study was ”I think about it (the flood) when I don't intend to”, and the least frequently was ”My feelings about it (the flood) are kind of numb”. Risk factors for relatively high post-traumatic response were: relative proximity in time to the date of the flood, married, illiterate, farmer, and low economic status. Conclusions/Implications: The results of this study may help medical staff identify post-traumatic response at a relatively early stage in order to provide victims of physical and psychological trauma to alleviate post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms.


