  • 期刊


The Efficacy of E-Health Management on Weight Control in Adolescents: A Systematic Review


背景 E化健康管理已成為現今便利的慢性病管理模式,陸續有學者以實證研究探討E化健康管理應用在體重控制之成效,但目前應用E化健康管理於青少年體重控制仍有待實證性探討。目的 透過系統性文獻回顧,統整E化健康管理運用於青少年體重控制之成效。方法 搜尋六個電子資料庫,年份自1995年至2013年4月,依納入及排除條件篩選後,以modified Jadadscale評價文獻品質。結果 共有七篇文獻符合篩選標準,共有3,728位青少年及1,394位父母參與。研究對象大多是體重過重青少女,平均年齡自12.52(SD = 3.15)至15.31(SD = 0.69)歲。研究結果呈現E化健康管理可顯著降低BMI(body mass index)及體脂肪,其中四篇顯示可顯著提升身體活動知識及技巧,但在飲食控制成效呈現差異性。結論/實務應用 E化健康管理介入對青少年體重控制有顯著效果,但網站登錄次數與主要結果指標成效較分歧。未來研究應考量運用激勵措施、增加警示提醒系統或其他策略提升網站使用率,並針對青少年特質,量身打造網路介入工具,建置合適的照護模式。


Background: Advances during the past decade have made it feasible to apply e-health methods to chronic disease management. Researchers have recently begun applying these methods to weight control. The application of e-health management methods to weight control in adolescents has yet to be investigated empirically.Purpose: This study conducted a systematic review of reports discussing the weight-control effects of e-health management in adolescents.Method: Researchers searched 6 electronic databases for relevant articles published between 1995 and April 2013. Data were collected using inclusion and exclusion criteria. A modified Jadad Scale was used to evaluate the quality of the identified articles.Results: Seven studies met the inclusion criterion of targeting adolescent subject populations. A total of 3728 adolescents and 1394 parents participated in these studies. The majority of participants were overweight girls and median participant ages ranged from 12.52 (SD = 3.15) to 15.31 (SD = 0.69). All studies reported that e-health management reduced body mass index and body fat percentage. Four studies indicate that e-health management may improve physical activity knowledge and skills. However, diet control outcomes among the seven studies varied.Conclusion: Empirical results demonstrate that e-health management significantly affects weight control. However, the effectiveness of log-in versus primary outcome indicators was inconclusive. Future studies should consider the use of incentives, reminder systems, and other strategies to enhance website usage. The development of an Internet-based, computer-tailored weight-management intervention for overweight adolescents and the development of an appropriate care model are recommended.


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