  • 期刊


The Teaching and Application of Alternative Medicine in Medical Education Programs


另類療法在人類醫療的歷史中一直有其存在性,尤其醫學發展有了實證醫療及正統醫療之際,另類療法不但仍然存在,而且有更多人使用。這代表另類療法或許可彌補一般人對正統醫療不盡滿意之處,然大部份病人則是把另類療法當成輔助療法,在現代醫療中另療巳逐漸和正統醫療結合成整合療法(integrated medicine)。在台灣,部份醫療人員對另類療法不完全暸解,但另類療法不僅扮演對某些病人有定效,即使用以當安慰劑(placebo effect)也算是一種身心靈的療癒。多瞭解另類療法,既可幫助病人,也可增進良好的醫病關係。另類療法種類繁多,有些已實證,有些已有保險給付,但有些仍屬民俗玄術,或對人體有侵襲或危害,透過教育可讓民眾對每一種另類療法有所認知。所以醫學教育中必需要有另類療法的課程。本文以在大學開設另類療法課程的實例,探討課程安排,講員適切性選擇,學生體驗報告,希望提供給讀者參考作為將來在台灣能普及另類療法的教育。


The history of alternative medicine is perhaps as long as the history of human medicine. The development of evidence-based medicine has not annihilated alternative medicine. On the contrary, more people turn to alternative medicine because this approach to treatment serves as an effective remedial or supportive treatment when used in conjunction with evidence-based medicine. In contemporary healthcare, alternative medicine is now an essential part of integrated medicine. In Taiwan, most professional medical practitioners have not received proper education about alternative medicine and therefore generally lack comprehensive knowledge on this subject. While alternative medicine may be effective when used with some patients, it may also impart a placebo effect, which helps restore the body and soul of the patients. Medical staff with advanced knowledge of alternative medicine may not only help patients but also improve the doctor-patient relationship. There is great diversity in alternative medicine, with some alternative therapies supported by evidence and covered by insurance. However, there also remain fraudulent medical practices that may be harmful to health. Medical staff must be properly educated so that they can provide patients and their family a proper understanding and attitude toward alternative medicine. Therefore, alternative medicine should be included in the standard medical education curriculum. Offering classes on alternative medicine in university for more than 10 years, the author shares his experiences regarding potential content, lecture subjects, group experience exercises, and in-class activities. This article is intended to provide a reference to professors in university medical education and offer a possible model for alternative medicine education in Taiwan.


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