  • 學位論文


A study of the temple’s folk medicine:The subjective experence of wishing for Pharmaceutical lots

指導教授 : 羅雁紅


論文摘要 本研究乃是就與大高雄地區有地緣關係,且祀奉保生大帝的廟宇為對象進行研究。透過參與觀察與訪談,就六家代表性廟宇的消息報導人與信徒各六位共12人對其求藥籤之主觀經驗加以探討與分析,研究結果發現: 一、 藥籤代表的意義與看法是一種歷史傳承、精神心理的寄託和居家保健與治病的藥方。 二、 藥籤在現代社會中所具有的特殊性與功能,是因為藥籤除了是一種文化、信仰自由象徵,亦是因應社會需要而出現的一種醫療保健資源。 三、 對藥籤的存在與廢止的看法,六位中僅兩位廟方消息報導人認為應該禁止,一位所持的理由是跟不上時代,一位是持保留的態度看政府若禁止就禁止。信徒方面則都認為藥籤有科學根據不應該禁止,政府應該取締非法保障合法。 四、 藥籤在現代社會中影響的發展關鍵因素如下:1)醫療資源的普及化與多元性,民眾不必在仰賴藥籤。2)受傳統社會觀念改變,求藥籤的人口數以中老年人居多。3)有宗教信仰的人才會求藥籤4)求藥籤受慣用醫療經驗的影響。5)求藥籤受到父母和意見團體〈政府相關主管機關、媒體報導〉的影響。 五、 受訪者依照疾病嚴重程度的急慢性來選擇使用何種醫療資源,且都是專業醫療資源與藥籤並用。 六、 從藥籤的實際流程分析,藥籤是一種有效的心靈安慰劑且對藥籤的效果均給予正向的評價。 七、 求藥籤是一種「人與神」以及「人與人」互動的合諧的醫病關係,人與神的醫病關係是信徒主導且信徒能充份表達或陳述病情,與現代醫療醫護主導截然不同。信徒對神醫的權威崇拜也比對人醫的權威崇拜高。 本研究之結果呈現藥籤文化對現在社會的影響,讓我們用客觀的角度來重新認識藥籤。可供後續研究者參考之用,並可提供衛生主管機關與寺廟主管機關,針對其未來管理或規範寺廟藥籤時之參考。 關鍵字:寺廟 民俗療法 藥籤


寺廟 民俗療法 藥籤


Abstract This is a study surveying six temples of sacrificing Bou-Sen Emperor(a medical divination) in Kaohsiung area. By means of participant observation and in-depth interviews of six informants and six disclipeson, subjective experience of wishing for Pharmaceutical lots are explored. Based on the results of the study , the conclusions are : 1. The meaning of Pharmaceutical lots is a symbol of history , a support of spiritual needs , a medicine for family care , a medicine for therapy . 2. The preservation of Pharmaceutical lots indicate: (1) a symbol of culture preservation. (2) a symbol of freedom in belief . (3) a medical resource for social needs . 3. In views of informants and disclipes about Pharmaceutical lots’ preservation, all of the disclipes insisted that Government should forbide illegal ones and procect legal ones . 4. The key elements of Pharmaceutical lots’ development : (1)As follow as popularity and diversity of modern medical resource , people don’t need to rely on Pharmaceutical lots for cure . (2) Affecting by the traditional opinion , middle age or elder people are the major group who wishing for Pharmaceutical lots . (3) Wishing for Pharmaceutical lots affect by religious belief . (4) Wishing for Pharmaceutical lots affect by the experience of past therapy . (5) Wishing for Pharmaceutical lots affect by target group(parents , government , mass communication) . 5. Subjects use both of the professional medical therapy and Pharmaceutical lots ,according to their judgements of illness. 6. According to analysis of process in wihsing for Pharmaceutical lots , Pharmaceutical lots is an effective placebo . Subjects thought that Pharmaceutical lots has positive value . 7. Wihsing for Pharmaceutical lots is a harmonizatial relationship between human and “gods of medicine “ , and a harmonizatial relationship in people . The relationship of follower and “gods of medicine “ are different from patient and physician . The relationship of follower and “gods of medicine “ are always dominiated by followers and followers can say their diseases’ situation completely . Howerver , The relationship of patient and physician are always dominiated by physician or paramedical professionals . Follower’s worship of medical divination’s authority is higher than patient’s worship of physician’s authority . Results of the study take on the affectiveness of “Pharmaceutical lots culture” , let us understanding Pharmaceutical lots in objective viewpoint , can consult by the following study , and refer to managing Pharmaceutical lots for Government and temples 。 Keywords : Temple , Folk Medicine , Pharmaceutical lots


Temple Folk Medicine Pharmaceutical lots


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