  • 期刊


Perceptions of Nursing Image Held by Third and Fourth-Year Baccalaureate Nursing Students and Related Factors


背景 護生對護理形象看法,會影響護生對護理照護的態度及未來成為護理人員的角色定位,然而台灣近期鮮少有研究探討此議題。目的 探討大三、大四護生對護理形象的看法及其相關因素。方法 採問卷調查研究法,收案對象為台灣南部某大學護理學系學生共219位。並以SPSS 12.0繁體中文版採描述性統計、卡方檢定、皮爾森積差相關、多元線性迴歸和簡單邏輯斯迴歸,探討護生對護理形象之相關因素。結果 護生平均22.2歲,多為四年級(58.9%)及女生(85.8%)。護生對護理形象的看法,在護理工作特性方面,多認為「護理是一個專業」、「需重視照顧和關心病人」、「需小心謹慎的」、「需要情緒上的控制」等;在護理人員特性方面,多認為「需要不斷的進步與革新」、「需具有關懷及尊重別人的能力」、「需獨立自主」、「具備充份的智能」等。而年級間只有三個變項有顯著差異,即四年級較三年級護生多認為,護理人員特性「是需要犧牲奉獻的」、「是醫師的助手」、「並非是兇悍強勢的」。畢業後從事護理工作意願、對學校安排臨床課程滿意度及學習環境因素與早期傳統官僚、現今專業看法有顯著正相關。此外,入學原因為「工作機會較多」、學習環境因素可共同解釋護生對早期傳統官僚看法11.7%的變異量;入學原因為「親友鼓勵」、學習環境因素可共同解釋護生對現今專業看法18.2%之變異量。而此二形象看法對畢業後從事護理工作意願亦具有預測力。結論/實務應用 本研究結果可供護理教育者、護理行政者及護理政策制定者之參考。


Background: Prior studies indicate that the perception of nursing image held by nursing students influences the attitudesof these students toward nursing care and their future professional role identity as nurses. However, few studieshave investigated this issue in Taiwan in recent years.Purpose: To examine the perceptions of nursing image held by third- and fourth-year baccalaureate nursing studentsand the factors that influence these perceptions.Methods: The present study employed a cross-sectional survey design. Questionnaires were administered to a total of219 nursing students who were currently enrolled at a university in southern Taiwan. Descriptive statistics, chi-squaretest, Pearson product-moment correlation, multiple linear regression, and simple logistic regression analysis were conductedusing SPSS 12.0, Chinese version.Results: The mean age of participants was 22.2 years; most were fourth-year students (58.9%) and female (85.8%).Regarding the images of nursing, most participants indicated that current nursing work possesses characteristics thatinclude: “being a profession”, “emphasizing care and concern for patients”, “requiring meticulousness”, and “requiringemotional control”. In terms of perceptions of professional nurses, most participants considered nurses to be: “constantlyneeding to progress and innovate”, “capable of caring for and respecting others”, “independent and self-conscious”, and“sufficiently intelligent”. The present study identified significant differences between third- and fourth-year studentsin only three variables, with a larger percentage of fourth-year students perceiving nurses as “dedicated and willing tosacrifice”, “handmaidens to doctors”, and “not bossy and stern” than their third-year peers. In addition, it demonstratedsignificantly positive relationships between the dependent variables of traditional/bureaucratic image and advancedprofessional image and the independent variables of willingness to become nursing professionals after graduation, satisfactionwith the school’s clinical courses arrangement, and learning-environmental factors. Furthermore, “more jobopportunities”, as a reason for admission to nursing school and learning-environmental factors, explained 11.7% of thevariance in participant perceptions of traditional/bureaucratic image and “encouragement from family and friends”,as a reason for admission to nursing school and learning-environmental factors, explained 18.2% of the variance inparticipant perceptions of advanced professional image. Finally, both “traditional/bureaucratic image” and “advancedprofessional image” were predictors of participant willingness to become nursing professionals after graduation.Conclusions / Implications for Practice: The results of the study may be referenced by nursing educators, nursingadministrators, and nursing policy makers.


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