  • 期刊


Kahoot: Applications and Effects in Education




Kahoot 遊戲 遊戲化學習 即時回饋 創新


Stimulating learning motivation and enhancing learning effectiveness are particularly difficult challenges for nursing educators in educating Generation Z learners, who are part of the first generation of true "digital natives". In response, teachers are beginning to integrate gamification techniques into their classrooms in order to motivate classroom participation and to conduct learning evaluation. Kahoot is a free, online quiz platform and instant feedback system that helps teachers create a fun competitive-gaming environment. Learners may access the platform using a mobile phone or tablet to answer multiple-choice questions. The platform may be introduced at different stages of learning activities or combined with the flipped classroom model in order to achieve various teaching goals. This article provides a brief introduction of the gamification of learning and then discusses the operational skills needed to use Kahoot and the effectiveness of this platform, including advantages, limitations, and user feedback. Finally, the authors share their Kahoot-related teaching designs and experiences. It is suggested that nurse educators may apply Kahoot in their innovative teaching practices.


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