  • 期刊


Oral Health in Schools and the Process of School Nursing Care


臺灣學生恆齒齲蝕指數(decayed, missing, and filled teeth, DMFT index)未達世界衛生組織訂定2顆之標準,此為各界關注的重要健康議題,因此校園及社區推動口腔保健工作為當務之急。本文以文獻分析探討,整理歸納自1991年至今校園三個階段口腔保健工作歷程,而自衛生福利部與教育部2002年共同簽署健康促進學校計畫聲明書,並在學校衛生法的支持下,推動校園口腔保健後,雖然齲齒問題逐年下降,但仍有盲點存在,必須將口腔保健議題,透過學校護理師、健康守護天使,推動午餐後潔牙、全國潔牙觀摩賽及執行含氟漱口水、口腔篩檢與矯治、追蹤等業務,並以實證分析結果,給予政策上建言,促使學齡兒童齲齒問題逐年下降。藉由學校護理師校園深根的力量,讓臺灣口腔保健成效早日達到世界衛生組織標準並更能符合家長及社會期待。


The decayed, missing, filled (DMF) index for permanent teeth among Taiwanese students remains above 2.0, which is the target standard established by the World Health Organization (WHO). Therefore, it is imperative that oral healthcare be promoted effectively in campus and community settings. This article conducts an analysis of relevant academic, education, and health authority survey statistics and discussions, and summarizes the three stages of oral health care from 1991 and the signing by the Ministry of Health and Welfare and the Ministry of Education of the plan for health promotion in schools in 2002. Based on the school hygiene law, although the incidence of dental cavities has been declining over the years due to campus oral healthcare promotion efforts, there remain issues in need of improvement. Oral health issues must be addressed through initiatives such as the school nurse health angel program, encouraging tooth cleaning after lunch, the National Dental Hygiene Tournament, implementing the use of fluoride mouthwash, regular oral exams, and implementing corrective measures during health screenings. The results of this empirical study offers policy advice on reducing the incidence of dental cavities among school-age children in Taiwan. In light of the deep relationships between school nurses and students, teachers, and parents, it is our mission to ensure that oral healthcare in Taiwan will soon reach WHO standards and meet the expectations of parents and society.


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