  • 期刊


Clinical Education in Community Health Nursing Using Scaffolding Learning Strategy


「護理衛生教育」是社區衛生護理特別重視的臨床實務專業,也是護理專業不可或缺的一環。衛生教育是溝通健康知識及行為的過程,而鷹架學習策略的概念是透過人與人之間的語言、溝通與互動,來產生認知進階的關鍵,知識經過彼此的理解、合作學習及解決問題的歷程而建構,有助於發展思考、語言及對話的溝通能力。本文以鷹架學習策略融入社區護理實習教學歷程,包括:示範(modeling)、回饋(feedback)、指導(instructing)、提問(questioning)與認知建構(cognitive structuring)的實際歷程,發展出創新的護理衛生教育情境傳遞的教學設計架構,透過小組學習模式,學生能提升護理衛生教育的組織邏輯性與表達能力;同時增強學習動機、成就感與自信,成為教學的種子,期待此教學經驗,能做為各護理專業科目教學課程設計之參考。


Clinical patient education is important, particularly in community healthcare settings, and is an indispensable part of this nursing specialty. Clinical patient education is the process of communicating health knowledge and behaviors. The concept of scaffolding learning strategies is a key to cognitive advancement through language, communication, and interpersonal interactions. Knowledge is constructed using a process of mutual understanding, cooperative learning, and problem-solving that helps develop thinking, language, and communication skills. In this article, scaffold learning strategies are integrated into the teaching process of community nursing clinical education. Using approaches such as modeling, feedback, instructing, questioning, and cognitive structuring, an instructional design framework may be developed to deliver innovative nursing and patient education. Using a group study mode, students may improve their logic in nursing, health education organization, and patient education while enhancing their learning motivation, sense of achievement, and self-confidence, which may become the basis of teaching. We look forward to this teaching experience providing a reference for the design of various nursing courses.


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