  • 期刊


Hospice Palliative Care Communications in Long-Term Care Facilities in the Post-Pandemic Era: The Role of Nurses




The high infectivity, severity, and mortality of COVID-19 led to the devastating impact this disease has had on people's lives during the pandemic. The related strict infection controls and restrictions affected how palliative and end-of-life care could be discussed with clients and how family members could deal with their grief afterward. However, the provision of concise and accurate information by healthcare providers was found to help ease anxiety and fear during the COVID-19 pandemic. In the post-pandemic era, nurses should actively facilitate, support, advocate for, and coordinate palliative care communications with long-term care facility residents. Thus, the Understanding, Respect, Planning, Expression, Act, Care, and Education (U-R-PEACE) communication strategy is introduced and suggested in this article for this purpose. Palliative care communications should be commenced by nurses as early as possible. Moreover, nurses may help residents optimize their quality of life and death by understanding their and their family members' expectations and preferences, encouraging them to discuss their care plan with doctors, and respecting their decisions. The care goals of achieving a good death and relief of suffering may also be promoted through care that is delivered using a holistic, person/family-centered care approach.


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