  • 期刊


The Hospice-Care Promotion Experiences of Multidisciplinary Care Providers in Residential Long-Term Care Facilities: A Qualitative Study




Background: In aging societies, residents of residential long-term care facilities (RLTCF) are a population that can significantly influence the success of efforts to promote hospice care and to achieve societal goals of domestic aging in place and good death. Multidisciplinary healthcare providers in RLTCF play vital roles in assessing, coordinating, and implementing the "five whole concepts" of hospice care. Purpose: To explore multidisciplinary healthcare providers' experiences with implementing hospice care in RLTCF. Study results may be referenced for future research into hospice care in RLTCF. Methods: In this qualitative study, one-on-one interviews were conducted with 14 multidisciplinary healthcare providers working for three hospital-affiliated RLTCFs in Northern Taiwan from April to July 2019. Each interview lasted between 40 and 68 minutes. Data were transcribed and then analyzed using the content analysis technique. Results: The emergent themes derived from participant experiences were "lack of hospice care literacy and multidisciplinary communication", "insufficient resources for hospice care implementation", "a dilemma between reasonability and sensibility", "quandary about and bearing from facing family dying", and "expectation of mental and physical well-being for family and residents". Conclusions/Implications for Practice: The experiences of the participants illuminate the importance of strengthening hospice care training for multidisciplinary RLTCF healthcare providers; establishing standard operating procedures; and increasing the manpower, environmental, and equipment resources available for implementing hospice care in RLTCF.


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