  • 期刊


From 0 to 1: Taking the First Step in English-Medium Instruction


對於許多大學教師來說,英語授課(English as a medium of instruction, EMI)無疑是一項重大的挑戰。特別是對於從未開設過EMI課程的教師,他們可能會感到困惑甚至焦慮,不知道如何著手。除了語言本身的挑戰外,如何以非母語的英語來傳達專業知識,並能同時確保學生的理解更是一大壓力來源。本文旨在從一位理工領域教師的角度,分享並深入探討開設第一門EMI課程之經驗與過程並提出哪些策略以克服教師焦慮與擔憂、哪些教學措施能有效地經營班級,確保學生的理解,以及教師如何自我精進,以提升教學品質。冀望這篇文章能夠幫助有興趣或需要開設EMI課程的教師成功地跨出第一步,予以增能並重新審視自我作為EMI教師的角色,有信心地持續自我精進,提升其教學能力。


Teaching in English (aka English as a medium of instruction [EMI]) presents a significant challenge for many university instructors. This is particularly true for those who have never taught an EMI course before, as they may feel confused, anxious, and unsure how to start. Beyond the challenge of the language itself, the pressure of conveying specialized knowledge in a non-native language and ensuring student comprehension are major sources of stress. This article was developed to share and explore the approach and experience of a field instructor teaching his first EMI course in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics). In the article, the anxieties and worries that may arise prior to starting the course and strategies that may be used to overcome these are discussed. In addition, measures that teachers may use to effectively manage classes and ensure student understanding during the course and to continually enhance teaching quality are addressed. We hope this article can help those interested in or required to teach EMI courses successfully take the first step and continue to improve with confidence, enhancing their teaching abilities.


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