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The World Literature of Bruce Lee by Way of Cross-Cultural Adaptations and Translations



As part of the aura of a renowned cultural icon from the twentieth century, Bruce Lee's on-screen martial arts prowess and chiseled physique stand out to most fans of cinema across the globe. In recent years, however, rising interest in his role as a thinker introducing the philosophical wisdom of the East to Western audiences and readers has been supplementing his image as a film star. The persona of Bruce Lee has not been the creation of Lee himself, shaped in his lifetime, but rather a process of continuous reconstruction carried out by critics, media, and posthumous publications. This ongoing discourse has contributed to the accumulation of the necessary momentum for the resurgence in circulation of Lee's filmic and TV works around the world. Scholars have taken note and started paying closer attention to the philosophical and pedagogical value of Lee's body of works. Under worldwide circulation, Lee's adaptation and translation of Asian philosophical teachings into highly accessible audiovisual media have become influential, exhibiting an impact no less astounding than the Asian originals and becoming works of independent stature themselves. The endless copies, clones, manipulation, proliferation, transmutation, and sharing of his works on digital platforms have further enhanced the dissemination and reception of Lee's expressed philosophy and helped carry his writings and audiovisual presentations into the domain of world literature.




翻譯 改編 流通 網路迷因 世界文學


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Barrowman, Kyle. “Lessons of the Dragon: Bruce Lee and Perfectionism between East and West.” Global Media and China, vol. 4, no. 3, 2019, pp. 312-24.
Benjamin, Walter. “On Language as Such and on the Language of Man.” Reflections: Essays, Aphorisms, Autobiographical Writings, translated by Edmund Jephcott, edited by Peter Demetz, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1978, pp. 314-32.
Bolelli, Daniele. On the Warrior’s Path: Philosophy, Fighting, and Martial Arts Mythology. Blue Snake Books, 2008.
Bowman, Paul. Beyond Bruce Lee: Chasing the Dragon through Film, Philosophy, and Popular Culture. Wallflower Press, 2013.
