  • 期刊


Local Society under Military Governance: A Study of the Chinese Diaspora Networks of Quemoy, 1949-1970s


1949年以降,金門這個十九世紀中葉以來之開放的、流動的僑鄉,成為一個相對封閉的戰地及禁區,直到1992年11月7日解除戰地政務。一般認爲,這樣的封閉狀態切斷了僑鄉與僑居地的關係。 然而,從官方史料及口述訪談中發現,軍事治理期間以東南亞為主的海外華僑仍以一些特殊的方式保持與僑鄉的連繫,甚至「福建反共救國軍」在1950年代初期建立一種特殊的僑匯管道來維持地方經濟,且挹注游擊隊的開銷。此外,這個時期國民政府爭取華僑“四海來歸”是統治合法性的象徵之一,他們接受軍方的邀請組織勞軍團訪問戰地。透過信個唯一的返鄉渠道,海外華僑及其僑社組織得以對軍事治理下的種種壓迫,提出一些異議的聲音,也推動「華僑之家」大廈的興建。本文透過官方檔案、軍方報紙、僑信及口述歷史的分析,探討1949-1970年代之間金門的華僑網絡,並重新理解國家(軍事政權)與地方社會(金門)的關係。


After 1949, Quemoy became a battlefront between the KMT and the CCP, as well as the frontline in the confrontation between Cold War blocs. Under military administration, the power of traditional lineages was suppressed and their connections with their fellow countrymen living abroad were severed. For forty-three long years, until 1992, Quemoy was transformed from an open hometown of the Chinese diaspora into a closed battlefield and forbidden zone. Members of the Quemoy diaspora were often closely engaged with their hometown during the war years of the 1940s; they were deeply concerned about the security of their family members and their property. In the early 1950s, they tried to keep informed about the situation in Quemoy through any medium possible, and also tried to build new channels for remittances. Because formal visits by Overseas Chinese were an important symbol of legitimacy for the KMT, Quemoy emigrants were invited by the military authorities to visit their hometown. This became the only channel by which participants in the Chinese diaspora could return to their native place. This paper uses official archives, military newspapers and oral history to analyze how military authorities formulated policies for the Chinese diaspora in battlefield Quemoy, and to study the interaction between family and clan members in the Chinese diaspora and in their ancestral homeland during the period 1949-1970s. This analysis enables a discussion of the distinctive continuities and discontinuities of local history.


1950a〈金門商會昨開座談,商討僑匯溝通問題〉。《正氣中華報》1月30日 : 第四版。
1950b〈菲島僑胞慰勞團,在台訪胡司令官〉。《正氣中華報》1月30日 : 第一版。
1950c〈本島歸僑擁護政府,決為反共抗俄艱苦奮鬥〉。《正氣中華報》3月19日 : 第一版。
1950d〈菲律賓華僑考察團,昨日專機蒞金慰勞〉。《正氣中華報》9月3日 : 第一版。


