  • 期刊


Established Steps of the Bowels and Viscera Pathomechanism with Four Major Factors and the Principles of Prescription and Drug Use


「病因」、「病位」、「病性」、「病勢」爲構成臟腑病機的四大要素,無論疾病病情如何多變,只要依據此病機四大要素進行分析,就可以了暸解疾病發生和發展的規律。 病因病機的分析爲訓練提升中醫住說醫師看病能力最重要的課題。本文依臟腑病機四大要素的內容,就實際臨床操作的經驗,做了部份內容的修正,且提出臟腑病機四大要素的建構步驟,並就病機的內涵,單一病機或複合病機提供處方用藥的經驗法則,俾供參考。


臟腑病機四大要素 病因 病位 病性 病勢


Cause, location, pathological character and dynamic of disease are the four major factors of the bowels and viscera pathomechanism. Anyway the disease how highly varied conditions; it will know the rules of disease pathogenesis and development only according the four major factors of the bowels and viscera pathomechanism following analysis. The analysis of cause and pathomechanism of the disease is an important training cause for elevated clinic ability of the Chinese physician residents. The present paper is made partial correct according the four major factors of the bowels and viscera pathomechanism, and offers an established step of the bowels and viscera pathomechanism with four major factors. On the other hand, it offers an experienced treatment principles of prescription and drug use on bases of simple and combined pathomechanism.
