  • 期刊


The Differentiation of Near-synonyms "Yinqi" and "Chansheng" and Its Pedagogical Application


中文里有许多近义词,经常困扰以中文为第二语言的学习者,也困扰着教师。许多现行教材或辞典里对于近义词汇,解释通常极相近,学习者若想借由教材或辞典来区辨并正确地使用,恐怕不易。本文通过台湾中央研究院现代汉语平衡语料库(Academia Sinica Balanced Corpus of Modern Chinese)及中文词汇特性速描系统(Chinese Word Sketch, CWS)采取语料库分析研究法,并参考相关汉语辞典,从句式结构、语义特征、语义指涉、词语搭配等方面着手研究。研究结果显示,“引起”、“产生”同样作为谓语动词,后可接宾语、可不接宾语,也可当定语使用,后接宾语与当定语是最常见句式。并且“产生”尚有名物化的用法,“引起”则无。本文旨在辨析近义词“引起”、“产生”的异同,并根据邓守信(2009)的汉语教学语法,提出华语教学排序建议。


近义词 引起 产生 华语教学 教学应用


The study aims at differentiating the near-synonymous pair Yinqi and Chansheng. Corpus-based analysis approach as well as the relevant Chinese dictionaries are used to analyze the data which are collected from Academia Sinica Balanced Corpus of Modern Chinese and Chinese Word Sketch. Four aspects are discussed, including the syntactic patterns, the semantic characteristics, the semantic roles, and collocations. The result shows that both Yinqi and Chansheng can function as predicate verb, with and without objects followed, as well as attributive. Both are widely used when they are followed by objects or used as attributive, but only Chansheng can be nominalized. Teaching suggestions are raised with the conjugation of Chinese pedagogical grammar principals (Teng, 2009) to achieve the goal of the study.


synonym Yinqi Chansheng Chinese teaching teaching application
