  • 期刊

人類常用藥物─抗生素氯四環黴素(chlortetracycline)及止痛劑乙醯胺酚(acetaminophen)對石田螺(Sinotaia quadrata)的影響

Effect of Drug Residues of Chlortetracycline and Acetaminophen on Aquatic Sinotaia Quadrata


近年來許多研究指出,人類長期使用的藥物如抗生素或止痛劑等醫療藥品,無法經由汙水處理廠而完全分解消失,當這些藥物進入環境中時將可能具有生物毒性,而且對生態環境系統造成衝擊。本研究為瞭解人類常用藥物-抗生素氯四環黴素(chlortetracycline,CTC)及止痛劑乙醯胺酚(acetaminophen,ACE)殘留於水體後對水生生物可能的影響,應用石田螺(Sinotaia quadrata)分別曝露於濃度0、0.1和5.0mg/L的CTC及ACE後1、2及7天,測定六種血淋巴液生化指標,包括:解毒酵素monooxygenase(Mon)及glutathione-S-transferase(GST)的活性、肝胰臟生理指標glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase(GOT)及glutamic pyruvic transaminase (GPT)濃度、以及排泄功能或器官生理指標creatinine(CREA)及ureanitrogen (UREA)濃度。試驗結果顯示,石田螺曝露於5mg/L的CTC後7天,Mon活性(2.09-5.00△A/30min/mg)高於對照組(0.29-1.74△A/30min/mg),但對於肝胰臟及排泄系統均無明顯影響;推測石田螺曝露於CTC後會啟動解毒機制。另一方面,石田螺曝露於5mg/L的ACE時,Mon活性和GOT、GPT及UREA濃度皆有明顯上升的趨勢,推測當水體中ACE殘留濃度超過5mg/L時,ACE將可能影響石田螺肝胰臟及排泄系統。綜合實驗結果,抗生素CTC及止痛劑ACE等藥物殘留於水體中會影響水生生物的生理作用,此等問題勢必會成為環境生態重要議題之一。


The antibiotic chlortetracycline (CTC) and the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug- acetaminophen (ACE) are common drug residues in water environment because they can not be degraded completely in treatment industry. They could be potentially affect non-target aquatic organisms when they are input into an aquatic system. To investigate the impact of CTC and ACE on aquatic system, in this study, on day 1, 2 and 7 after Sinotaia quadrata exposed to either CTC (0, 0.1 and 5.0 mg L^(-1)) or ACE (0, 0.1 and 5.0 mg L^(-1)), six biochemical parameters were determined in the hepatopancreas, including the activities of monooxygenase (Mon) and glutathione-S-transferase (GST), the concentrations of hematopancrease-associated glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase (GOT) and glutamic pyruvic transaminase(GPT) and the amount of excretory function-related creatinine(CREA) and urea nitrogen(UREA). After treatment with 5 mgL^(-1) of CTC for 7 days, the Mon activity (2.09-5.00 △A/30 min/mg) was higher than that of control group (0.29-1.74 △A/30 min/mg), however, the change of the remaining parameters were not detected. In group treated with 5 mgL^(-1) of ACE, the Mon activity (1.57-2.57 △A/30 min/mg) and the concentrations of GOT, GPT and UREA were significantly increased. These results suggest that the detoxification may be initiated when the both drug residues in aquatic environment were more than 5 mgL^(-1), and the ACE has deleterious effects on the aquatic organisms. Therefore, the risk of drug residues at water ecology will be an important environmental issue.
