  • 期刊


A Case Study of Chien-Kuo Florists' Market in Taipei


本研究係對台北市建國假日花市作全貌性描述(Thick Description)。旨在分析(1)建國花市之產銷規劃情況,及(2)建國花市之推廣教育(休閒與學習)之情況。經過資料分析結果,本研究有如下之發現:(1)建國花市業者不分年齡、性別、教育程度及生產經營方式(自有苗圃與否),大致上,皆能以獨特方式在花市經營而有利潤。業者大部分都能提供賞心悅目之展示與簡易之花卉之使用與栽培之知識與技術。但對提升經營層次與整体花市之規劃、提供更精緻優雅之花卉休閒方式,及使用較複雜或需時較久之花卉使用與栽培之知識與技術之推廣教育之方法或教材,則尚缺乏與趣與動機。(2)花市之消費者流動性大,而且對花卉之需求與使用呈多元化。花市之消費者皆為教育程度高且具有專業工作者,皆有強烈的需求,期望花市能提供更好之休閒方式及花卉之使用與栽培知識與技術之學習機會。對上述之發現,本文提出如下之建議:(1)有關機關應協助建立消費動向與市場交易之長期趨勢分析系統,協助業者掌握消費與市場動態訊息,作好產銷策略。(2)有關機關應利用人力資源培育訓練方式,培養業者知道如何利用管道,尋求並掌握消費與市場訊息,如何提供符合消費者需求之休閒方式,如何使用合適之推廣教育方法與教材;以及培養業者領導才能溝通能力,能在團体動態之過程,共同規劃花市之發展。




This study presents a ”thick description” on Chien-Kuo Florists' Market which is held on weekend in downtown Taipei. This study profiles the Chien-Kuo Florists' Market in two folds: (1)marketing situations, and (2)extension activities.This study finds some perspectives. They are:(1) that most florists can properly manage their business and somehow have profits, in spite of their age, sex, level of education, and ownership of land and/or green house. The florists also initiate the leisure and learning activities in terms of their elegant presentation of flowers and supplies with the simple knowledge and skills of the way of cultivation and embelishment of flowers. For the further prospective, the florists need to be motivated to accelerate their management approach in terms of integrated development of the whole florists' market, and improvement of their approaches and materials for leisure and learning activities,(2) that the consumers come to the florists' market are in the state of flux and reflux. They present a variety of needs and interests in flowers and their use in emblishment. They also belong to the group of high-educated and professional. They are capable to strongly reguest the florists' market to improve and provide better leisure and learning opportunities.Based on the above mentioned findings, this study proposessome suggestions. They are:(1) that the affiliated organizations have to establish an analysissystem to grasp the trends of flower consumption and domestic and/or international flower trade in order to help the florists to develop better marketing strategies,(2) that the affiliated organizations have to employ approaches of human resources in order to help the florists learn tobe self-directed development. Therefore, the florists know how to access to the right information of flower consumption and trade, to provide better leisure and learning strategies for the consumers, and, most importantly, to develop leadership and communication competency for reaching consensus on the integrated development of the whole florists' market.




