  • 期刊


A Comparative Study on the Organizational Structure between Rural ane Schools' 4-H Clubs


四健會為一非正式、服務性的教育組織,目的在培育農村青少年成為優秀公民。而台灣自民國四十一年由農復會引薦美國四健會組織與其教育方法以來,迄今已逾四十年,並分別發展出鄉村與學校四健會兩種組織模式。本研究旨在以比較研究的分析方法,來探討現行不同行政體下運作的四健會組織,希藉由兩者間差異的釐清,能裨助於四健會組織在未來合理化、正常化的發展。基此,本研究主要目的有三:1. 瞭解目前四健會推動情形。2.比較鄉村與學校四健會組織結構與運作之差異。3.建立四健會組織結構與運作之模式。本研究在四健會組織結構方面,區分為決策、管理、技術、輔助與操作等五個部門;其有關組織運作方面則分別為:控制幅度,專業化程度,技術水準,資源服務及規模輪廓等五項變項,加以研擬測量指標。業經調查資料蒐集後,以描述性統計量之次數分配作初步的資料整理,並以交叉分配統計所計算出之卡方值及顯著水準,作進一步比較鄉村與學校四健會在諸變項間的差異情形。本研究的主要比較分析結果如后:1.決策部門方面,縣市級單位在指導及參與鄉村四健會活動的頻率,較學校四健會高。2.管理部門方面,學校四健工作人員的年齡層及教育程度均高於鄉村四健會工作人員。3.操作部門方面,鄉村四健會無論在會員數量,或四健班會、作業組數量上,均多於學校四健會。4.技術部門方面,鄉村四健會在招募會員方式,採行作業組類型及活動內容上,均較學校四健會多元而豐富。5.輔助部門方面,鄉村四健會對於家長、地方熱心人士及資深四健會員等地方資源的結合運用上,均較學校四健會緊密而多樣化。




4 - H Clubs Were informal educational organizations which found to sevre for youth in rural area.They had developed into two different organizational types, includ Rural and Schools' 4 - H Clubs, after the past four decades in Taiwan. The study tried to compare the difference betwen these two organization forms.From a sociological perspective, the organizational structure of 4- H Clubs would be divided into diverse subsystems. There are decision making, mangement, assistant, technologic and operating departments. The functions of above departments could be measured by 'span of control', 'professionalization', 'resource serving', 'techology', and 'size confguration' respectively.Research finded the main differences were as follow:1.the supervisory agency taked more participation in the Rural 4 - H Clubs than Schools' ones.2.the average age and education leval of members, the Schools' 4 - H Clubs were higher than Rural ones.3.the members and quantites of 4 - H Club Task Group, the Rural ones were higer than the Schools'.4.the Rural 4 - H Clubs adopted more multiple, colourful task groups to recruit youth than the Schools' ones did.5.the Rural 4 - H Clubs can mobilized more social resources to support their regular activities than the Schools' did.


