  • 期刊


Discourse on Rural Participatory Intervention



本文將從一個延續兩年的鄉村發展行動研究計畫談起,計畫的地點在南投縣鹿谷鄉的一個山村聚落,在此,研究單位實際進行了行動研究所必須包含的計畫、行動、觀察、行動結果評估,以及反省再計畫等多次的螺旋循環過程。本文的目的在探討鄉村參與干預的形成,及其所造成的社會互動,並觀察其間權力轉化的情形。文中引述Argyris 的干預條件觀點,將論述議題集中在以下三點:(1)有效資訊,(2)干預者和當事者是否存在著自由和富於資訊選擇,(3)以及當事者是否能長期認定此項改變。在有效資訊的取得方面,由於鄉村居民創造有效資訊的能力相當薄弱,首先將以居民的賦權及知識能力創造為參與干預的第一條件;在鄉村民眾參與干預的自由和富於資訊選擇方面,由於都市化過程中,鄉村逐漸失去固有的鄉村特徵,衍生出公共決策缺乏清楚的發展遠景,所以,強烈受到個人利益、都市壓迫結構及鄉村社會關係的影響,本研究的第二項研究目的即探討鄉村民眾在此環境結構下產生的公共參與行動動機和價值觀點;第三項條件則說明鄉村民眾對干預後之改變所具有的內部認同,由於鄉村發展的干預常因專家之離去而失效,形成片斷而不具系統的累積效果,本處即在探討鄉村民眾如何擴大干預成果之長期影響。研究的分析結果顯示,干預已非既成的社會制度,它是依不同層次學習系統的利益認知和參與角色所產生的社會建構。此項建構會依行動螺旋過程而使所有參與者透過互動學習逐漸修正個人對有效資訊的判定。在內部的認同部分,因特定事件或利益的變動而衍生制衡權力,此時,干預成為鄉村民眾普遍參與的誘因,而鄉村公共利益則在權力妥協中被認知與創造。從整體鄉村發展而言,參與干預應是一連串公共利益和私人利益所引動的權力認定、轉化、融合、創造和再認定的學習過程。


This paper has been state from a 2-year action research program about rural development. The site of this program locates at a mountain village of Nantou county. Research group here proceeding a spiral steps, each of which is composed of planning, acting, observing and evaluating the result of the action. Because of the action research program, we are here discussing the formation and social interaction of rural participant intervention, and observing its subtle transformation of social power. According to Argyris' viewpoint of intervention condition precedent, the discourse issues were focused at 3 points below: (1) efficient information, (2) free and informed choice of the inventor and stakeholder, (3) internal commitment of the change. When considering the aspect of efficient information, because it is weak for rural habitants to create efficient information, we firstly set up a condition of participant intervention with habitants' empowering and knowledge inventing. The second part is to discuss the losing of rural character. It brought the lack of clear vision of public decision. Moreover, being affected strongly by their individual benefits, urban oppressed structure and social relationships, the third condition tells that how people continue al)d expand the change after experts' coming and going. According to the action research, intervention is not the ready-made social institution, it is some kind of social constructing by different hierarchy of learning system which is formed of benefit recognition and the playing of participant role. As to the internal commitment, the countervailing power was generated from the benefit shifty, Rural public interest was recognized and invented under power negotiating, while intervention become the common inducement of rural habitants. In brief, participant intervention of integrated rural development, should be a series power recognizing, transforming, inventing, interconnecting and reconfirming of learning process between public and private interest.

