  • 期刊


A Serological Survey of Ducks, Geese, Pigeons and Cows for Antibodies to Japanese B Encephalitis Virus in Taiwan


調查1996-1997年間於台灣各地區收集之鴿、鴨及鵝血清中之日本腦炎病毒(JEV) 血球凝集抑制抗體,發現鴿子之抗體盛行率為93%(369/397)、鴨之抗體盛行率為77.3%(472/611)、鵝之抗體盛行率為70.9%(388/547)。對1994-1995年間台灣乳牛血清樣本進行檢測,發現JEV抗體盛行率為95.5%(1807/1892)。同時並發現於屏東及台南乳牛之月別JEV盛行率介於89.3%-100%之間,並無顯著季節性差異。本調查結果顯示台灣除豬以外,在家禽(鴿、鴨、鵝)及家畜(牛)也普遍感染日本腦炎病毒,這在日本腦炎病毒的保毒及傳播上可能扮演重要的角色。


Serum samples were randomly collected from 397 pigeons, 611 ducks and 547 geese across Taiwan in 1996-97, and their antibody titers against Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) were determined through the hemagglutination-inhibition (HI) test. The antibody prevalence was 93% in pigeons. 77.3% in ducks and 70.9% in geese. Earlier in 1994-95, a total of 1892 heads of dairy cattle from 190 dairy farms around Taiwan were examined for their HI antibody to JEV. The results indicate an average positive rate at 95.5%. Monthly serum samples were collected from dairy cattle in Pintung and Tainan Counties over the same period and tested for the HI antibody. Monthly positive rates ranged from 89.3% to 100%, but no apparent seasonal variation pattern in these rates was noticed.
