  • 期刊


On the Mean Vertical Structure of the Atmosphere over Taiwan Area


本文利用分別位於本省北、中、南(即桃園、馬公和東港)之三處探空站26年(民國45年至70年)的觀測資料,以逐日之00 z和12 z,將地面至10 mb共16層之高度、溫度、濕度,風向和風速,加以合成獲得代表台灣地區之逐月平均大氣曲線,從中計算分析四大基本氣象因子量即高度、溫度、濕度和風。並將求得之平均大氣溫度曲線和露點曲線,應用斜溫圖推算其他的氣象參數,諸如溫度遞減率、各種穩定指數、混合比、位溫等。利用合成資料,核算出一條代表台灣地區之標準大氣曲線亦為本文研究之重點,所得結果除可與ICAN標準大氣做比較外,並可做為台灣區逐月探空檢核錯誤以及當日大氣垂直秉性與氣候背景差異狀況之參考值。




Some of the meteorological parameters of the mean vertical atmosphere in Taiwan area was composited from the totally 26 years (from 1956 to 1981) data of the three rawinsonde stations of Taiwan which were located at Taoyuan, Makung and Tungkang. Four basic meteorological quantities (the pressure height, the temperature, the humidity and the wind field) in 16 mandatory levels from surface to 10 mb, of the atmosphere were calculated. Furthermore, some other quantities such as temperature lapse rate, condensation level, stability index, freezing level, height of the contrail, mixing ratio, saturation mixing ratio, potential temperature, wet-bulb temperature, wet-bulb potential temperature, equivalent temperature and equivalent potential temperature were also analyzed from the skew T log-P diagram.Our results show some climatological characteristics of the mean atmosphere over Taiwan, which are:(1) the mean temperature at MSL is 22.5°C, and the pressure is 1013. 5 mb;(2) the mean lapse rate of temperature in the troposphere is -6 °C/Km;(3) in the stratosphere , from tropopause up to 10 mb, the increasing rate of temperature is about +2.4 °C/Km;(4) the height of the tropopause is approximately 54,400 geopotential feet which is about at 100 mb pressure level with a mean temperature of -76 °C;(5) the prevailing wind at surface is NNE and from 700 mb to 80 mb levels the WSW wind is dominated. An upper easterly wind zone is located at the layer from 60 mb to 10 mb;(6) from the mean vertical distribution of equivalent potential temperature , it shows that the atmosphere, in the mean, is conditional unstable below 700 mb and conditional stable above 700 mb level.




