  • 期刊


Algorithm of Atmospheric Sounding Retrieval from Satellite Remote Sensing in Taiwan Area


本研究主要目的在於利用美國NOAA系列繞極軌道衛星在經過台灣區上空時所觀測得之TOVS(Tiros Operational Vartical Sounder)輻射能量,來發展及建立一套適合於本地區之大氣垂直溫度及濕度剖面反演方法。雖然在美國威斯康辛大學的CIMSS(Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies)已發展出一套國際性TOVS資料處理程式集(簡稱ITPP,International TOVS Processing Package),不過此套程式在應用於本地區時,所得之結果具有相當大的誤差。本研究的基本方法即經由對衛星遙測大氣垂直溫度及濕度剖面反演過程應用在本地區所可能產生誤差的幾個基本項目加以瞭解及改進(如地面資料的應用等),並利用HIRS(High Resolution Infrared Radiation Sounder)中第5,7及20頻道計算雲量及雲高,代入有雲情況下之紅外線輻射傳遞方程,應用“同時物理反演法”(Smith et al., 1985),並修訂TOVS各頻道應用在反演時所佔之權重,所得結果在與傳統探空氣球所觀測得之大氣垂直溫度及濕度剖面相比較,以及推求所得之各等壓面分析圖之相互比對,顯示本研究方法所得之結果初步已能達到國際上衛星遙測大氣垂直溫度及濕度剖面的誤差範圍,而比起原ITPP方法,本研究在所選取之個案中亦顯示了極為顯著的誤差改善。


The purpose of this study is to develop and construct an atmospheric temperature and moisture retrieval procedure, suitable for the operational application in Taiwan area, from the radiances observed by TOVS (Tiros Operational Vertical Sounder) housed in the US NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) series polar orbital satellite. Although an ITPP (International TOVS Processing Package) had developed by CIMSS (Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies) of University of Wisconsin-Madison, the results in applying this package in Taiwan area are very poor. The basic method of this research is to understand the error sources of a vertical sounding retrieval procedure applied in this area and to improve them (such as the use of surface data). And using HIRS's (High Resolution Infrared Radiation Sounder) channel 5, 7 and 20 to estimate the cloud amount and height. Thereafter, substituting the cloud amount and height into the cloudy infrared radiative transfer equation and applying the ”simultaneous physical retrieval method” (Smith et al., 1985), which corrected by suitable inverse weight for every TOVS channels to determine the vertical temperature and moisture profiles. The results obtained from this study are comparied with the radiosonde observations. The intercomparisons reveal the improvement in the accuracy of this algorithem.
