  • 期刊


Over the East China after a Cold-Air-Outbreak Event


本文以數值模擬的方式來探討大尺度冷乾平流,海溫與垂直風切對於邊界層的成長與中尺度對流胞的結構的影響,模式為美國普渡大學中尺度三維模式,其中考慮了科氏力、水汽的蒸發與凝結、渦流的熱量與動量傳送及海氣之間的熱量、動量和水汽交換均在此模式中加以計算。為了節省計算機時間,首先以一維的初始場來積分,一段時間之後,再將一維的結果擴展為三維的初始場,並加入溫度場的隨機擾動,然後積分此三維模式。在未加入大尺度冷乾平流效應的模擬中,邊界層不會達到恆定狀態,從邊界層的擾動總能量來看,其能量隨時間持續在增加,邊界層的厚度也持續在增加,對流胞的深度較深。而在加入大尺度冷乾平流效應的模擬中,邊界層可以達準恆定狀態(quasi-steady state),從其擾動能量的觀點來看,其平均的擾動能量隨時間並沒有太大的變化,邊界層的厚度也沒有多大的變化。在提高海溫的模擬中,邊界層的能量相對的也比較高,邊界層的厚度也較低海溫時為厚,雖然對流較強,但是由於海面上向上之水汽通量也隨之增加,導致層雲內水量較多,反而不易破裂為層積雲。


A primitive equation numerical model has been used to study development of mesoscale cellular convection over the East China Sea during winter seasons. Emphasis is placed on the roll of the sea surface temperature and synoptic scale cold-air advection over the simulated convention cells. The numerical model is three dimensional, and many detailed physics are taken into account. The physical processes are: evaporation, condensation, turbulence transport of water vapor, sensible heat, and momentum, etc.In order to save computing time, one-dimensional model is used to initialize an unstable planetary boundary layer first. The results are then uniformly expanded in horizontal directions as initial fields for the three dimensional model. A small temperature perturbation is added to excite thermal convention within the planetary boundary layer. In the experiment with no environmental cold and dry air advection, the total perturbation energy grows exponentially with time and the depth of the boundary layer grows to 2 km in only 12 hours. Only when the effects of cold and dry air advection is considered, both the boundary layer and the thermal convection can reached a quasi-steady state. However, the simulated convection is much weaker than the observed thermal convections over the area. Increase of sea surface temperature makes the convection stronger, but cloud-top radiative cooling, which is ignored in the model, probably has to be included to make the simulation more realistic.


