  • 期刊


"Localization" and "Indigenization": Roger S. Greene, Hu Shi and the Elite Medical Education of Peking Union Medical College (1921-1937)




"Localization" and "indigenization" are two important aspects in the theoretical current of so-called "glocalization." One successful example of the glocalization-or even localization or indigenization-of academic institutions in twentieth-century China was the sponsoring and directing of the Chinese Medical Board and Peking Union Medical College (PUMC) by the Rockefeller foundation. Through studying the academic communications between Roger S. Greene (1881-1947) and Hu Shi 胡適 (1891-1962), this paper attempts to explore how the elite education provided by PUMC, as a top medical institution and a recipient of financial support, academic and educational ideas, management models, as well as a portion of it faculty members from the United States, was eventually localized and became indigenous by 1937. This paper concludes that, from the perspective of the historical development of science in China over the 20th century, the exchange of ideas and cooperation between Greene and Hu on the issue of elite medical education was a remarkable model and promoter of advanced scientific research in China-which is precisely what both past and present academics of China have been desiring.


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