  • 期刊


The Bravery of Scholars and Insight of Generals: Civil-Military Relations and Metaphor for Chaos and Governance in Romance of the Three Kingdoms




《三國演義》 文武 丈夫氣 膽識 治亂


In Romance of the Three Kingdoms, the amount of outstanding talent is seemingly innumerable, including scholars such as Zhuge Liang諸葛亮, Guo Jia郭嘉, Zhou Yu 周瑜, and Sima Yi司馬懿 as well as generals such as Guan Yu關羽, Zhang Liao張遼, Gan Ning甘寧, and Lu Bu呂布, both parties of which have been admired for their proficiency in wen文(civil) wu武(military or martial) affairs, respectively. Owing to the distinction between civil and military officials, contentions within and between the two camps are inevitable, and gender is often used by the novelists to imply the rigidity and weaknesses of as well as the tension between the two groups of officials. However, wen and wu are not in absolute opposition and the two ought to cooperate in an effort to defeat one's enemies. In one regard, scholars need to exhibit courage to remain calm under adversity and in times of conflict; and in another, generals must possess wisdom to perform well in both diplomacy and war. In this way, bravery and insight are complementary and neither are indispensable. Moreover, the civil-military relationship discussed within the novel also illustrates a hint of metaphor; that is, by comparing and criticizing the masculine "hard" 剛and feminine "soft" 柔characteristics of officials, the novelists associate notions, such as wen and wu or bravery and insight, with the effects of peace or war on politics. Therefore, by analyzing these metaphors within Romance of the Three Kingdoms, we can better grasp the dialectical relationship between civil and military officials.


于洪江 1993 〈試論《三國演義》對曹操異姓將領的塑造〉,《佳木斯教育學院學報》1993.1(1993.3): 40-44。
王資鑫 1987 〈論《三國演義》的長靠武打藝術〉,《揚州師院學報(社會科學版)》 1987.4(1987.12): 19-27。
王前程 2007 〈《三國演義》與古代將相文化〉,《中華文化論壇》2007.1(2007.3): 71-75。
