  • 期刊


The Influences of the True Mind Thought of the Shurangama Sutra on the "Bi Guan" (Observances of the Nose) Poetry of Huang Tingjian and Later Writers




真如心 六根圓通 通感 鼻觀 香禪


The "interoperability of the six roots" 六根互用, or six sense-organs-also known as the "six roots being unrestrained"-is based on the thought of Tathagatagarbha in the Shurangama Sutra, rather than the "penetrating sense" 通感, or synaesthesia. The Shurangama Sutra distinguishes the true mind and the delusive mind, and the former understands the world by means of the six roots, thereby making them functionally exchangeable. After the mid- to late Northern Song dynasty, one can note the emergence of "bi guan" 鼻觀 (lit. observances of the nose) poetry, represented by Huang Tingjian's 黃庭堅 (1045-1105) compositions, that are related to the true mind and "perfect penetration" 圓通 of Buddhist thought. Similar to the "interoperability of the six roots," Tathagatagarbha serves as the theoretical foundation of Huang Tingjian's "bi guan" poetry. The myriad dharmas, according to the Shurangama Sutra, are embodied by the true mind, and through the six roots, the true mind manifests as "root-nature" 根性 (i.e., one's true nature), with it being presented as "smell-nature" 聞性 through the nose. The emphasis of "bi guan" poetry is on reflecting our own nature. Not only the sense-organ of smell but all outside fragrances are also from the true mind, and regardless of whether the nose is obstructed or not, "smell-nature" is constantly in effect. Huang observes the outside world by means of "root-nature," and in turn, the subject-object relationship disappears. The impact of his "bi guan" poetry is also notable as later writers, under his influence, likewise used fragrances, especially those of flowers such as tulips and osmanthus, as aesthetic objects to compose "bi guan" poetry. Moreover, Huang's works were even admired by Japanese Zen monks of the Five Mountains, who largely validated the underlying Buddha-nature within the poetry.


後秦.鳩摩羅什譯,《維摩詰所說經》,《大正新修大藏經》第 14 冊,東京:大藏出版株式會社,1988。
劉宋.居士沮渠京聲譯,《佛說觀彌勒菩薩上生兜率天經》,《大正新修大藏經》第 14冊,東京:大藏出版株式會社,1988。
唐.般剌密帝譯,《大佛頂如來密因修證了義諸菩薩萬行首楞嚴經》,《大正新修大藏經》第 19 冊,東京:大藏出版株式會社,1988。
唐.惠能著,宗寶編,《六祖大師法寶壇經》,《大正新修大藏經》第 48 冊,東京:大藏出版株式會社,1988。
後漢.佚名譯,《大方便佛報恩經》,《大正新修大藏經》第 3 冊,東京:大藏出版株式會社,1988。
